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What's your workout today?

Press (3r@90%) PM 135

3 rds
Tabata Squats x4
400 m run

20-17-18-19 1:17
20-18-19-17 1:18
20-19-20-17 1:17
Taking a little break - 7 to 10 days I'm thinking. Last workout was on Saturday, did a ton of yard work and a bike ride on Sunday, and plan to lay low until next Monday or Tuesday. I'm hoping to accomplish two things: 1) let my body rest up and heal, especially my hips which have been bothering me, and 2) shock my system when I get back to lifting because my body hasn't been responding as well as it used to, despite a routine change in sets/reps/amounts, etc.
Snatch to 100x3

Clean and Jerk to 170x3

Couldn't figure out at the beginning why I was having so much flexibility issues in my legs tonight. Then I remembered the 200+ squats and 400m sprints from the night before and it all became clear.
just started Tapout XT - Phase 1, Wk 1, Day 1 - Cross Core Combat

to be honest I probably got through half the overall moves the instructor did but I stuck it out to the end, by then I was dripping wet and the floor looked like it had just been mopped.
4 mile run at 7 a.m. in an unseasonably cool 46 degrees. Lying in bed, I just kept thinking of that quote, "you can be sore today or sorry tomorrow."
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