I have three razors presently in rotation: Red Tip Superpeed, Slim Adjustable, and a "Lord Merkur Tech" (the newer style Lord Tech with the Merkur like head). I have no preference between these three, and they are all great quality shavers.
I also have a Ball End Tech, an Old, a New, a Knack, and 5 Gem SE razors.
I use m Ikon open comb when I'm in a hurry. It gives me a very close shave with minimal danger. If I didn't have all that money invested in my other razors I could live with just this one.
After about 55 years of shaving with many types of razors, I've settled on a razor that was first patented in 1900. My daily go-to razor is the single edge, "lather catcher" style, Gem Jr. bar razor.
I really feel that any razor designed since that time has added nothing to, and in most cases, has detracted from, the closeness and comfort of the morning shave.
Right now, my daily shaver is the Merkur 11c (open comb HD). I've just recently had the honor of adding a Gillette 'new' to my collection. I've tried the new for the first time today, and all I can say is wow...I'm already blown away at the quality shave I got from it. It may soon take over the Merkur 11c for that number one spot.
8 out of 10 shaves I'll use a Gem 1912 single edge. I suppose it's my go-to razor. I get consistantly great shaves and a blade will last me 6 to 8 shaves before I strop it or throw it away. The 1912 is also the most comfortable, forgiving razor that I have ever used.