New shaver here, I’m trying to figure out what the appeal to large brushes is?
In looking at the shapes & sizes of brushes, I’m shocked at how large some of them are. Large in diameter, large knot, heavy, etc.
Are you trying to put on as much lather as possible? Or just like the feel of a large handle?
Coming from the art & painting world where brushes are designed to be as light, slim and svelte as possible, It seems really foreign to want a big chunky heavy handle.
Looking at something like a Simpsons Chubby 3 with its short fat handle.. I don’t understand it at all.
Is the disconnect of me not understanding the fat size and stubby shapes in the grip?
I don’t understand why’d you’d want to have the butt pressed into your palm and hold it by your finger tips, rather than holding it like a paint brush (as that’s essentially what these are- brushes to paint lather on your face).
Maybe it’s just me not being used to holding it that way.
Here’s a picture of the first 3 brushes I‘ve bought. I had no idea how chunky they were until seeing them in person. If I’m being honest, none of these fat round handles are what I’d call comfortable to hold and use.
In looking around the interwebs at all the different brush handle designs- to my painter‘s brain, these style handles seem like they’d be the most comfortable to hold and use:
Essentially a longer thinner handle that you’d hold like a paintbrush, rather than having the butt pressed into your palm and holding with your finger tips.
What am I missing here?
In looking at the shapes & sizes of brushes, I’m shocked at how large some of them are. Large in diameter, large knot, heavy, etc.
Are you trying to put on as much lather as possible? Or just like the feel of a large handle?
Coming from the art & painting world where brushes are designed to be as light, slim and svelte as possible, It seems really foreign to want a big chunky heavy handle.
Looking at something like a Simpsons Chubby 3 with its short fat handle.. I don’t understand it at all.
Is the disconnect of me not understanding the fat size and stubby shapes in the grip?
I don’t understand why’d you’d want to have the butt pressed into your palm and hold it by your finger tips, rather than holding it like a paint brush (as that’s essentially what these are- brushes to paint lather on your face).
Maybe it’s just me not being used to holding it that way.
Here’s a picture of the first 3 brushes I‘ve bought. I had no idea how chunky they were until seeing them in person. If I’m being honest, none of these fat round handles are what I’d call comfortable to hold and use.
In looking around the interwebs at all the different brush handle designs- to my painter‘s brain, these style handles seem like they’d be the most comfortable to hold and use:
Essentially a longer thinner handle that you’d hold like a paintbrush, rather than having the butt pressed into your palm and holding with your finger tips.
What am I missing here?
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