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What would your pro wrestling name be?

Finishing move = The Pompatus of Love


I have an uncle who sets up local pro wrestling events in old Mexico. He has sent me various pro wrestling masks though I am not a wrestling fan lol. My name would be "El Vato Loco!"



Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Chief Jay Strongbow.

About 5-6 years ago, I started a thread where I tried to give everyone a wrestling name. I think I may have covered all the mods. Our owners were Nick Bockwinkel and Joel "The Quintessential Studmuffin" Gertner. Some were easy to come up with- Crazy Luc Graham, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Dr. Isaac Yankem. Others were a bit tougher to create. I needed you guys to help me out back then.
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