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What use did you give your pens today?

Inspired by the "What's in your pocket today?"; what use did your pens have during the day?

This week, I have mainly used my pens for drawing diagrams, and explaining things. Most of my "writing" consists of drawing anyway; I take relatively few notes.


I am in an ICT job, so I love having pens with different ink colors with me :001_smile
I have a couple letters I need to write today. I also signed some paperwork for a new job and just made my usual to-do lists in my planner. Pretty standard stuff. I'd like to spend some time drawing with pens, but I haven't carved out time for that yet.

Well ... "drawing" maybe is too big a word for the boxes and lines I am putting on paper lol

Still I use my pens a lot; I imagine that handwriting on paper helps me to think more creatively than drawing and typing on a computer would. The paper is fully free format, while a tool like MS Visio already restricts you.
I write lists... I wrote out some recipes, scaled some recipes and wrote out my mash and boil schedule for an IPA I plan on brewing later tonight.
I'm not working today. I wrote three very short poems and blathered a bit in my journal. Perhaps more blather later.

The poems were actually what most people would call last night, before I went to bed, but new day starts at midnight.:wink2:
Today was more computer and talking than writing. So, all I had to use my pen for today were some quick notes. I also made some scribbles while doing some basic adjustments to make my TWSBI write dryer. Later on I'll do my daily journal entry and I'll be done for the day.
Watched a webinar. Used my Nononsense to take notes. Tried to take notes on two conference calls, but nobody wanted to talk until Monday. Will do my journal tomorrow.
Notes for work, journal notes and doodles, found a nice ink grey that looks great from the Noodler's Ahab. FYI, I've enjoyed lurking in this part of B&B.
Brewing is serious business! Actually I just didn't want to sit around the house all day on my day off so I got my hobby on! Brewing is a lot of sitting around watching a pot boil or a hold a constant heat for an hour...

That's why I brew with a friend. We split quality bottles of beer during wait times.

I have a little collection of blank cards, so I filled one of them with a letter to my dad for his birthday. Pelikan M200 with Diamine Claret.

Worked some physics and calculus problems.

I think pen and paper is still invaluable there indeed.

This morning I only did some scribbling. Taking a few notes during a meeting, and I explained some basic security concepts to a colleague.

I should get into letter writing again, to give my pens some non-work related practice :wink2:
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