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What to get on a trip to AoS?

I've been DE shaving for a few months now. I'll be heading to Las Vegas tomorrow on business and I know there's an Art of Shaving in the Mandalay Shops that i'm dying to visit. Last time i was there i hadnt started in the DE shaving and didnt go in.

I'm looking for advice on what i might look for while there. Mostly looking for soaps and creams and other products as i havent found a great local source yet. I'd like to pick of some variety but I'm looking for anything considered a must have from this retailer.

For background. I have a EJ 89 and recently acquired a gillette SS and gillette new OC. I've gotten a blade sampler, van der hagen set (brush, mug and soap), c.o.bigelow as my daily cream.
The AoS software is highly regarded here. The shaving creams and soaps are excellent, as well as the ASB. Recently, they've started an after shave gel also. My favorites are everything in the sandalwood range, and I also like the lavender shave cream. While you are there, you should also try the sandalwood cologen.
AOS Ocean Kelp cream is amazing stuff. I have a sampler with pre and post shave stuff but haven't tried either yet.
I am afraid to go into one of those stores. There is a good chance I would be like Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack. "give me a box of those, six of these, two of those...", etc. I would have to have a REALLY good day at the tables to pay for it all.
I'm a little worried to go in too. The only other place i could spend a ton of money (i'm not a gambler) is at the Guiness store right across the hall. My favorite coffee mug and current money clip came from there for the tune of $50.
You really can't go wrong with any of their pogonotomy line. All of their soaps, creams, and ASBs are outstanding. Don't get one of their razors, they're seriously overpriced. I just picked up a refill puck of their lavender as a summer soap, but all of their scents are top-notch. I was severely disappointed that they don't have their Ocean Kelp in a soap yet, but Lavender was my second choice.

If you want a great scent to start out your AOSAD, pick up something in Sandalwood.
Thanks for the good advice all, the sandalwood sounds great, but the kelp is seriously tempting.

Should I get some sandalwood soap and ASB, or should i mix and match a little and get a few products in a few scents? I'm leaning toward the latter.

Honestly it will probably come down to the prices in the store when i get there but my wife is pretty forgiving.
I would get one of each scented soap, the Lemon is lightly scented enough not to need the unscented imo.

The balms and gels are "Nice to Haves"

The soaps are "Must Haves"
AOS shaving creams are great. I have not tried the soaps but everyone seems to rave about them as well. I find myself going back to AOS, even after trying creams such as TOBS, GFT, Nancy Boy, etc... You can't go wrong with lavender or sandalwood.
Like everybody says, creams and soaps are excellent. I like the sandalwood and lavender. But pick whatever scent you prefer.
I'd say to stay away from the hardware and go for soaps and creams.

If you haven't been shaved before by someone else, a Royal Shave is worth it just for the barber experience. You can also ask them questions and get advice on your beard type.

Also consider visiting the Truefit and Hill-based barber shop in the Mirage if you want to sniff a few T&H products. I hear the Wynn barber shop has some good products too.

I visited my local AOS a few times and so far have purchased Ocean Kelp Cream, Lavender Cream, and Lavender Soap. I was gifted Sandlewood Cream. Of those Ocean Kelp is my favorite scent by far. All of them are good performers even though the soap doesn't have much scent which I believe is true for most soaps. I think Sue (Mama Bear) once wrote that creams are able to hold more essential oil so they will normally have more scent. As always, YMMV applies. Do a "sniff test" to discover what you really enjoy. They have products open for that purpose.

Also, I agree to avoid the AOS hardware. Our B&B vendors have much better prices and their after sales support is superb.

Good luck on your choice and enjoy your shaves.

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Wow, I'm really tempted toward the haircut (a bit overpriced compared to home but I'm due) and traditional or royal shave. I'm really tempted to indulge and get the royal since i may never do this again. If I can manage it I'll drag my boss along and buy him a shave since we are working together all week and he'll buy all my meals. Sounds like a great way to treat myself on a Sunday before a long week of work. I'm just worried that it will cut into my budget for things to bring home!
Easy. One of each cream. And one of each soap. I love the sandalwood line from AOS. Got a sample of the edt. Good stuff.
Plus one to just about everything above! I personally love their lavender scent. I would suggest the ASB, the cream and the preshave oil in that order!

While I know most people really like the aos products they just haven't been for me. Maybe I have been over saturated or just turned off by the salesmen/women, there seems to be one in every mall here and they always tell me that the powered Gillette fusion is the way to go. Aside from that, great shop, and the master barber is a definite plus.

I believe Truefitt & Hill also have a store/barbershop in Vegas. I believe in Caesar's palace. I thought I have read somewhere that they opened there on their 200th anniversary.
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