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What razor/blade did you use today

Gillette NEW FB / Nacet (3)

First shave with the NEW FB and I think it's slightly better than any other NEW razor in my collection. Both my NEW LC's, RFB and FB feel kinda similar, while the SC has a different feel, but it still shares some slight similarities with the others. When I get back home, I have do another shave with the RFB to see how different it is compared to the FB, but so far I think the FB is overall better. The difference between all my NEW's isn't that huge though and they just have a slightly different blade feel, smoothness and efficiency combinations and some just work better for me than others, but they are all great shavers nonetheless.

My ranking at the moment would be:

1. FB
2. RFB

There are still lots of NEW versions out there that I haven't tried yet. The FB has at least 3 more versions, but i'm not sure if they shave any different, the NEW SC comes with slightly different plates and top caps, only God knows how many Goodwill versions of the NEW LC and SC exist, there's also the NEW De Luxe 15mm and 17mm and the NEW Improved, although the last one is more like a hybrid between an Old Type and NEW than anything. I don't think i'm going into that rabbit hole though.

FaTip Piccolo OC and Gentile with a BIC Chrome Platinum (2). I hadn't managed to shave since Thursday, so I had to bring out the rarely used OC plate to mow down all of the extra stubble! After that I did a second pass with the Gentile plate as I find the OC a bit too aggressive for my skin for anything more than a single pass.
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