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What is the WORST shaver you own?

A horrible shave with my Darwin Deluxe just now inspired me to create this thread. It is, for me, a beautiful but worthless shaver. I never fail to cut myself to ribbons with the damned thing. I realize this flies in the face of popular opinion towards that razor, but that's my honest opinion.
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You know what's funny is how much shaving is YMMV!!! My Darwin Deluxe always gives me amazing shaves. You know what I have always had terrible shaves with? A lowly Tech. I only have one that has always treated me with the utmost contempt and I refuse to waste money on another. Everyone talks about how mild it is but that razor eats me alive. Crazy, right?
really lightweight Gillette Tech - too light and makes me use pressure resulting in burn and nicks - I can't regulate my pressure, I either push too hard or not at all!
Sadly my Star single edge. I know many folks love the SE's, but, I just can't seem to get a good shave with it. So it sits, on display only.
I wanted to like my black handled SS, but it hates me!!!

I hate to say it, but my birth-quarter (A1) Super Adjustable is my worst. I don't know why, either. I've never had a bad shave with my Slim, and I figured the SA would behave just the same. Maybe the longer handle is throwing my angle off?
The POMCO slant by a mile.


Followed by the Merkur slant... There will be a PIF soon, if I survive my blade testing...



Speedway open comb. So light you don't know where it is, mild to the point of absurdity, build quality is awful.

The weird thing is, somebody used the heck out of this thing as evidenced by the rounded teeth at the outside.

Gillette fusion by a million miles....

As far as DE's go, my Gillette Milord. It's very mild but destroys my face everytime.
this piece of junk, a chinese copy of a superspeed called a globe razor, got 2 of them as a gift from someone, one of them was binned after use, this one was still kicking about the house, an old can lid would give you a better shave.$razor 2 090.jpg
I shaved with a Merkur 15c a few days ago and after 4 passes it felt like I still needed to shave.

I grabbed my R41 and got BBS with just one pass (making that a 5 pass shave, the first four seemed to be just for practice).

I have not used the 15c again so I can't say it is awful but I was very surprised and disappointed after I finished shaving with it. New blade in it for that shave and used the same blade in the R41 "cleanup" so the problem wasn't the blade.

Yeah, my birthyear/quarter black handle super speed is pretty bad.... which is a shame. I'd probably say that one although my barber gave me this one:

He said that he nicked himself like crazy with it and told me I could have it and that if I decided I didn't like it to just throw it in the trash. I haven't tried it yet.... it's sort of a wicked looking head.

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