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What did you hone today?

11/16 Wade & Butcher and Hashir (Not sure of Dimensions, came free with a strop)

Japanese Red Clay #1200 to Guangxi 12K to Hard Ark.

Le grelot le loup de mer. I didn't quite cut deep enough into it for the first honing and it showed some oxidation related microchipping. Went all the way back to shapton glass 500, 1k just to tidy up, really hard vintage coticule slurry to water, followed on by an apache black Gila on a mix of glycerin and water for the first test run. It deleted any and all scratches. Bevel looks beautiful. Fingers crossed...

I ran a blade across it on just water the other day just to see what it felt like and I didn't care for it too much. It felt like it was skating on the rock for 10 laps till all of a sudden it got that chattery stop and go thing that you would get on a really polished trans ark if you had it sort of underlubed and the razor was at a certain refinement level. A little glycerine stopped all that totally and it felt beautiful. First 10 laps it got smoother and smoother and then it started undercutting the fluid (this was the point on water it felt odd but this time nothing bad), and then I stopped at 25 as I figured it wasn't going to get any better. That is one hell of a fine coticule, I'm impressed it killed all the scratches so quickly on a blade with pretty hard steel. I think it would take fewer laps on most blades
Awesome looking setup! I really want to get into naturals sometime and use the one stone with 3-4 Nagura's. That sounds great to me!

Is that stone one of those black Gila's or something else?

most likely a jnat. B T M K most likely are nagura botan, tenjyou, meijiro, koma respectively. the other pieces appear to be tomonagura.


Ask me about shaving naked!
H. Diamond Gen Takahashi Towa 30, a 1/4 hollow on a vintage Nakayama Hatahoshi. It took a wonderful edge.

Cheers, Steve


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Honed up a M.J.Higgins on this vintage coticule.Very happy with both of these recent purchases.The razor is a real smooth shaver.
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