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What blade are you using in your Superspeed?

I purchased a Gillette Flair Tip Superspeed when I first started wet shaving again. I have not used it in some time in favor of more aggressive razors that are more efficient. I purchased some Gillette Super Silver blades recently and they are extremely sharp in my open comb razors. I finally got around to trying a GSB in the Flair Tip today. Really a great combination. I don't think I really ever got a BBS shave with the Flair Tip with other razor blades. This was a 3-pass BBS shave with only a slight touch up. I think I will keep the Flair Tip in the rotation with this blade. I think GSB blades work well with mild razors. What do you guys use in your Superspeeds?
I always use a blue tip Superspeed. I've experimented with lots of blades, but finally settled on Personna reds, or Personna Labs. Either is superb for me.
Currently using a Lord's Silver Star, but will go to Personna Red when through with this pack. I really like Red Tip SS I have, which happens to be my birth year. Just got it back from Reliable Electroplating, with a brand new nickel and rhodium skin, and it looks and feels like a brand new razor. I cannot recall any blade that performed poorly in this razor. Not yet, anyway.
I have the Brasilian made .. Mono-Tech TTO .. still going tru blade samples .. but so far I find Personna platinum, Gillette Platinum, Gillette Silver Blue and Timor to go great with it .. while Wilkinson and Astra SP slightly worse .. and Derby worst.
My flare tip does very well with Voskhods & Personna Supers (Labs). My 40's style superspeed does well with Ladas & the Personnas.
gsb in the one i borrowed to try out worked very well. i would have liked to try out others but only had it for a couple shaves. i want to get one myself just to have on hand have not been able to find a decent condition one though at a decent enough price yet
I've been using Feathers lately (was a bit rough this morning though...), but I really like the GSBs for a 3 pass BBS daily shave.
Feathers in all my Super Speeds except for a Red Tip. Lately, Gillette Silver Blues and Polsilver SI's have not failed me in any razor.

gsb in the one i borrowed to try out worked very well. i would have liked to try out others but only had it for a couple shaves. i want to get one myself just to have on hand have not been able to find a decent condition one though at a decent enough price yet

If you are looking for a Flair tip they are pretty cheap and plentiful. I have a very nice one, no brassing, clean doors that align perfectly and I paid $5. I saw one last week at a yard sale in similar condition for $7. I see many more nice condition Superspeeds out there for reasonable prices than any other vintage Gillettes.
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you selling it?? lol... i have rarely seen them around here. and on ebay i have bought a few older gillettes and been burned on a couple of them so i have been trying to avoid used on the bay. would love a fat boy but they seem to be pricey right now for a really nice one.
The GSB in my flair tip tore me up fierce! I can't blame it all on the blade but just to check my technique, I skipped a day to let the arterial bleeding subside then slapped an Astra SP into the same razor and had no problems or irritation. Also tried the razor with a Personna Red and got a beautiful shave. Maybe there really is something to all the talk of YMMV after all... After all the great reviews on the GSB I am really trying to love that blade but not sure if its worth another blood transfusion...

Tomorrow I might try a Gillette Black in the same razor to see how I do.
I have used many blades in my SS. my favorites so far are the Crystal Platinum, Astra Green Pack, And Personna labs (Not the Blue Wrapper, The ones that come only in a 5pk. tho blue wrapper ones are good too.)
Personna Reds and vintage Schick Kronas work great for me in everything from a Milord through NDC SS, flare tip & blue tip. Red tip is too much razor for me with any blade. Weird, because I have no problem with OCs, so aggressive = OK.
I used a Gillette Silver Blue last night and tonight with my Super Speeds and great results. The GSB's may be my newest favorite blade.

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