Inspired by Leisureguy, and at Mitch's suggestion, I thought I would start this thread.
What are the fundamental things that a man should know how to do, in a pinch (or as a matter of course)?
Already named:
-Tie a Bowtie
-Use a fountain pen
-Drive a stick (personally, I think this one is key)
-Communicate in Morse Code (personally, not so sure, but ok....)
-Handle and use a gun safely
-Sharpen a knife
-Change both oil and tires on a car
Additional things that occur to me:
-Cook a meal good enough to impress a lady (worth more than everything else here combined)
-Start a fire
What are the fundamental things that a man should know how to do, in a pinch (or as a matter of course)?
Already named:
-Tie a Bowtie
-Use a fountain pen
-Drive a stick (personally, I think this one is key)
-Communicate in Morse Code (personally, not so sure, but ok....)
-Handle and use a gun safely
-Sharpen a knife
-Change both oil and tires on a car
Additional things that occur to me:
-Cook a meal good enough to impress a lady (worth more than everything else here combined)

-Start a fire