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Well I'll be a...


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
A long time ago I bought a whole lot of razors off the 'bay because I wanted one thing amongst them. You know how it is. :001_rolle

One of the "junk" razors was an old Gillette that was so messed up it had gone BLACK! Eww! so it got thrown into a draw and forgotten. That is until another poster showed his razor that he had used the "Baking soda trick" on. Of course! It's black because it is silver plated! Doh!

Well, some baking soda and a bit of elbow grease later... and it has become a 1917 single ring! Cool! Now that I have realised what I have, and made it so I don't feel like it will give me blood poisoning, I cant wait to give it a try! Anyone else had experience with these razors? Good?

It's just nice when you find treasure amongst your own junk. It's like finding money in a pocket. :laugh:




That's actually not a single ring, but a Bulldog. The Bulldog is far more collectible and commands much higher prices than a single ring. And yours looks excellent! Nice work!!!
oh, man - that's the kind of single ring I want to pull out of a drawer.

Brian is spot on - that is a Bulldog - and it is one of my favorites. It's a fantastic shaver - congratulations!
A Bulldog from the junk drawer is better than finding money in a pocket. Unless it is a wad of cash.

Any others razors from that lot laying about?
Nice job on the cleanup. Better check the rest of the "junk" to see what other treasures might be hiding there.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
A Bulldog? Sweet!

It's not perfect. There is a little crack in the handle (which isn't visible in the picture) and it is very slightly starting to brass around the knurling and teeth but I was very pleased with how it cleaned up. Especially considering how it was when I found it.
A Bulldog? Sweet!

It's not perfect. There is a little crack in the handle (which isn't visible in the picture) and it is very slightly starting to brass around the knurling and teeth but I was very pleased with how it cleaned up. Especially considering how it was when I found it.

A crack? Why let that junk up your cabinet? I would be happy to help you rid it of your rubbish. :wink2:
Nah, send it to me, I'm closer so the postage will be cheaper! :)

Legion , should have have warned you, you'll now be stalked by kjparker. He's been stalking me since I found my #77.

Take out a restraining order NOW !!!!!


Nice (re) find mate !!!


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Legion , should have have warned you, you'll now be stalked by kjparker. He's been stalking me since I found my #77.

Take out a restraining order NOW !!!!!


Nice (re) find mate !!!

Might start sleeping with it under my pillow... :lol:
That's a beauty! Have you shaved with it yet? I have a 1912 single ring and love it. You should get some terrific shaves - don't let it sit in the drawer!
I hope that you know about the Australian B&B rule.

1.2(i) All razors for sale by an Australian B&B member must be offered to johnmrson (or his delegate) prior to attempting to sell it my any other method.

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