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Weber Razors - How many are there?

Yesterday I was perusing the Images on Google and saw a pic of three Weber razors that was posted at an Italian Shaving Forum, the DLC (Black), a polished one, and one I've never seen before with a Matte Finish. Does anyone know what that Matte finished one is called and what they run? I looked on the Weber Amazon store and only saw the Polished one...

And...Which of the three shaves best?


There were earlier Webers with a "W" on the cap, and different handles (I think) from any available since. I think the originals were ARC coated as well. As far as which shaved best, there is debate. I never used the ARC. After a couple months with the others, I think the DLC shaves better than the Polished. I do not know if that's because of the coating, or just slight differences in the runs of razors, or if it's just a comparison between two particular razors. But I also think they're close and wouldn't recommend paying too much of a premium for the discontinued DLC. The DLC razor is easier to be careless with. I won't get bitten by it unless I try VERY hard. I can get weepers on my neck with the Polished razor with just a very slight bit of inattention. Still, neither razor is irritating (without trying). I'm very happy I bought a DLC razor, but still.... though it's a clear preference, it's not a HUGE preference, over the Polished.
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I only know the Polished Head. I really like it, more aggressive than an EJ89 but not too agressive. I bought a Polished Head with the Bulldog handle. I like it, a lot, but decided to also buy one with the Wave Handle that is about to be discontinued, and...purely subjective, I like the Wave a little more than the Bulldog. But these are my go-to razors now. Hard to beat stainless steel at that price.

My two...
I have both the ARC and the polished head versions.

I've been using the PH as my daily shaver for several months. Two days ago i used the ARC for comparison's sake.

I can say for certain that the thread fit of the PH is much improved over the ARC. The stem on the ARC was just plain sloppy.

After using the ARC to shave, I'd give the nod to the PH for being slightly smoother. Maybe its because I've grown quite used to the PH. I really can't say. I do think I could sell the ARC and not miss it.

I can't say anything about the storied DLC because I've never used that version.
All great answers! I do seem to recall the ARC, now, but for some reason I wasn't able to when I saw the pic. I'd one day like to try the DLC, maybe even own one. I'd used the Merkur 23C (180) since I started wet-shaving full time in 2005 and had not found a better razor till I got the Weber Polished, and i'd tried the iKON, the Tradere, and an ATT. I sold or traded them all and went back to the Merkur.

Now my Merkur sits in my "under-cabinet" relegated to where the less-reached for soaps / creams reside. I've not used the Merkur since I'd acquired the Weber head a few weeks back, and will probably sell it off. I used the Merkur handle on the Weber as the Classic handle for me was too uncomfortable (knurling was too sharp). I recently acquired a Weber Gen 1 handle, and can't wait to shave with it...It seems to mate much better to the Weber head than the Merkur handle did, and while it's about the same diameter and length it is just a tad heavier and makes the razor feel more balanced.

I'm loving them now!
What are the "Gen 1" handles? I have the Classic, Bulldog, and Wave handles, but they're all from within the last year or so. I haven't used an earlier one.

On the up-side, I really like the "sharp", deep knurling. Wouldn't change a thing about that.
I have both the ARC and the polished head versions.

After using the ARC to shave, I'd give the nod to the PH for being slightly smoother. Maybe its because I've grown quite used to the PH. I really can't say. I do think I could sell the ARC and not miss it.
If you decide to do that.... let me know! I doubt I'll be any happier with the ARC than with the others, finally, but there's this Need To Know Disease going around. And indeed, while it's not by a large margin, I have the impression that among those who have tried both, the majority have expressed a preference for the ARC. (I have no scientific survey data to back that up -- just how it strikes me on the forums).

Of course, I'd rather see Weber put out a polished stainless coated with DLC, even.... that would be cool.
What are the "Gen 1" handles? I have the Classic, Bulldog, and Wave handles, but they're all from within the last year or so. I haven't used an earlier one.

On the up-side, I really like the "sharp", deep knurling. Wouldn't change a thing about that.

IIRC, when the first Webers came out they came with a handle that is now often called "Gen 1." It was about the same length as the current long handle only it had a smaller diameter and smoother knurling. It was a fine handle. The later long handle has the diameter and heavier knurling like the Bulldog handle.

My preference is for the current long Classic. I find the added length give me a better sense of balance than the Bulldog. And I really like the deep knurling.
It would be really great to build a photo thread showing all the different iterations of the Weber razor. I remember when it first came out and had the "W" on the head. It seemed like people were kind of lukewarm about it back then, but the owner got a lot of feedback from B&B members and used the feedback to redesign the razor. They disappeared for a while, but then when they came back, everyone seems to love them. I just picked up my first Weber razor, and it is fantastic!
I've seen the "Gen 1" handle in a picture, no doubt, but didn't know that's what it was called. Thanks, MaxP.
I like the current model Classic and Bulldog both a lot, and about equally.
This is my first post on the forum, so I'll introduce myself. My name is Bryan, I'm 33 and from the Albany NY area. I recently (last week) made the switch from carts with the purchase of the weber PH and a fresh supply of feather blades. I have noticed almost no irritation (only get some when I go atg) but I'm pleased with the purchase of my weber as my first DE razor.
This is my first post on the forum, so I'll introduce myself. My name is Bryan, I'm 33 and from the Albany NY area. I recently (last week) made the switch from carts with the purchase of the weber PH and a fresh supply of feather blades. I have noticed almost no irritation (only get some when I go atg) but I'm pleased with the purchase of my weber as my first DE razor.

Welcome to B&B, Bryan! Feel free to stop by the Shave Clinic & Newbie Check-In and Hall of Fame and create introduction threads.
That's a razor to spoil you, Bryan. Congrats! I"m more than a year in, and I still get some irritation in some spots about half the time. For me, it can be avoided (even atg) with a patient shave. Just took some practice.
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