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*Warning-Spoilers, see post #697* - HBO's Game of Thrones

Highgarden and the Tyrells were the second richest family in Westeros. Cersei knew she could pay off the Iron Bank after destroying the Tyrells once and for all and raiding their treasuries thereafter. She was estimating the siege would only take a couple weeks.
When Jaimie is striding through the courtyard of Highgarden, there are soldiers counting and carrying big boxes of gold bars.

I'd say she won't be incurring any late fees on her credit card this month....


Needs milk and a bidet!
When the series is concluded I can't wait to go back and watch the entire thing again. Pick up on clues throughout the episodes that were missed.
When the series is concluded I can't wait to go back and watch the entire thing again. Pick up on clues throughout the episodes that were missed.
It really is amazing. Rewatched the whole series during the interminable wait for this season to start, and there are so many things said or done that foreshadow things to come.
I like reading the articles that break down each episode too. I read one that talked about this past episode. They talked about how Jon says he's not a Stark just as a dragon fly's overhead. A little foreshadowing on his Targayren roots. Also Jon made a connection to his father when he said he doesn't enjoy what he does best (killing). His father didn't either.

11 details you might have missed on the latest 'Game of Thrones' episode

Which father? Eddard Stark or Rhaegar Targerion?


Needs milk and a bidet!
Which father? Eddard Stark or Rhaegar Targerion?
Rhaegar. In the article it talks about a moment a few seasons ago when Sir Barristan was talking with Danny. He says her brother Rhaegar used to sing to the people, he hated killing.
Aha....OK, thanks

EDIT: I only just now saw your link. Excellent article.

One of the many things that makes GoT so satisfying is the depth of story. The histories are fully fleshed out. The symbology is never without meaning. G R R Martin has a similar gift of thorough world creation as J R R had with Middle Earth.

The fact that Hodor's name foretold something that wouldn't happen until season 6, yet his name was there from the beginning. Tyrion casually talking about how his father put him in charge of the sewers back in season 2 or 3, and how that came to be of importance here in season 7. This story isn't just made up as it goes along, it would seem. But was somehow created in it's entirety in G R R 's mind. I happen to think that G R R is actually "the Lord of Light" in the show :001_cool:

And with that excellent backbone foundation of story, the TV rendition is no let down. All of that backstory is put in there, or alluded to throughout. The sets and the special effects are top notch. The actors are fantastic. Peter Dinklage is great. Nicolaj as Jamie has done a great job--his first season as Jamie, he was a total ***, and now he has transitioned into a much more sympathetic character. And his face as Olena sprung her big reveal on him was perfect. I totally love the show.
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I thought it was a good episode, too, although I thought two episodes in a row of Euron Greyjoy being the big spoiler was a bit much. How is it that Cersei seems to know everything Danny's folks are up to, but Danny's folks do not seem to have any idea that Euron is about to pounce on them to terrible effect? A little too "pat" to me.

This. How is it this guy can sneak up on someone with his huge armada? It may be possible to do this under cover of darkness (bit of a stretch, IMO) but he would still need to see, or know the location of, his intended target. And his gunners sure are accurate with their catapults at night.
Yeah, Harry, this whole Euron as the way Cersei gets over on her enemies every time still bothers me a lot, and something I do not see on-line reviews saying much about. One of the few truly off notes in the series, it seems to me. Way too much deus ex machina.
Last season Euron said he was going to build the greatest armada ever. And so he did.

The Ironborn are the fiercest seamen on the 14 seas. And so they are.

They sneak attack Theon et al, at night and win that battle. Not so hard to believe.

Casterly Rock is located right below a peninsula (which is itself located not very far from Pyke), behind which another Ironborn fleet could easily hide whilst the Unsullied are laser focused on storming the stronghold of their enemy.
The Unsullied throw all of their troops at the castle, as Tyrion had expected HEAVY resistance, leaving the fleet totally undermanned. The Iron fleet mops them up easily as all the soldiers are ashore taking over Casterly Rock.


Needs milk and a bidet!
The more I think about it the more it makes more sense how easily Cersei is winning. Her and Jamie have been fighting wars, plotting revenge, and lying their whole lives. The dragon lady is an amateur compared to them.

But this just leaves to be think the dragon lady is getting upset and about to reign fire down on these chumps. I suspect we'll see at least one dragon die. They wouldn't show us the dragon killing crossbow if that wasn't going to be the case.
More importantly....will we ever find out what happened when Tyrion walked into a brothel with a honeycomb and a jackass?

Maybe season 8?


Needs milk and a bidet!
Fantastic. I really like that Bron fella. "They're about to slaughter us". Ole Jamie was thinking "Idk...we may have a chance". But then the dragon showed up and his hopes were shattered. I think they did a good job capturing what that might feel like.

The previews show Jon coming face to face with a dragon next episode. Jump on pal!
Very satisfying!!!

Awesome battle. What was intriguing is that I was rooting for both sides simultaneously. Bron is a very talented fighter. And shooting down a dragon?

Aria vs Brienne was fantastic swordplay--water dancing plus faceless man training. Maise W. is doing a good job portraying how dark her character has truly become.

Looked like Jon wanted to kick Theon in the.....well, it wouldn't have mattered anyhow I suppose.

Bring on episode 5!
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