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Wanting to get started, in need of a few things/ Just inherited Grandpa's straight.

I've been toying with the idea of straight shaving for a while, and now I have a good reason to do it- I just inherited one of my grandfather's straights.

I've read over the tutorial, and even tried my hand at straight razor shaving today, with another straight I have (no blood, decent shave, not bad for a first try).

I've decided to give straights a serious go, partly to honor my dearly departed grandfather, but I need a few things.

Can anyone recommend an inexpensive source for hones, lapping stones, strops, etc?

-Or- Does anyone have extras they would be willing to part with?

Money is a little tight right now, as I've had to attend three funerals (one of which my brother and I paid for) in the last six months. Grandpa in October, Mom in April, Grandma this last weekend.

Can anyone hook a new straight shaving brother up?
First, you don't need a hone, and its probably just a bad idea at this point. But the good news is that your a part of the forum and can get the right knowledge before you start down the SR path.

All you really need is a honemeister, a strop and some crox if you really want it. A strop can be a leather belt if your really cheap, newspaper works too, but a belt is better.

And thats it. Send the razor out to get honed, either a honemeister or someone here who will do it for free. Plenty of volunteers. You'll find one.

If you really want to hone, I suggest diamond lapping film.
I'll second the recommendation that you don't hone it yourself. That's something to do when you already have a known good straight razor.

Just get a strop and some chromium oxide for when it gets a bit dull, and send it out to a honemeister to get shaving sharp and you'll be good to go. You can use a piece off old wood that's been sanded as your chromium oxide strop too BTW (it's what I do and I can attest that it works beautifully).
I have just bought this strop from a fellow B&B'er but have not yet tried it (it is still en route). For the price (only $20) and from what I have researched it should be good for what you need.


I also have two straights that I got at antique shops. I have sent them out to a B&B member (FloppyShoes) for honing, cleaning & mild restoring so that I can get them in shave ready condition when I try straight shaving for the first time. With them being shave ready I won't need hones for these razors anytime soon and I won't risk messing them up from my being inexperienced in honing etc.
I'd suggest, since you've already got a serviceable strop in hand, to spring ~$20 for a professional honing and then find an old strop here or on ebay to dedicate to chromium oxide or diamond paste.

With service, CO, and old strop yer out <$40, and would have all needed nearly perpetually.

If that's too much $, try to find an old barber's hone-perhaps @ a flea market or maybe a barber's got an extra one-and you can give a go @ honing it yerself...it is somewhat a longshot on the 1st try that you'll get great results, but I feel competent to turn a beater into a good shaver after only a few hours of experience now.
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