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Vision 2000 beaten me

After two weeks of hell I have finally given up with the Mighty Vision 2000
I just can't adapt to it. My face looks like I have been tortured.
Tonight I have returned to my 38c, and what a fantasic shave. No cuts no nicks, smooth all over even in the hard to get right places, finished off with a splash of Tabac after shave. Brilliant!
I am not at all sure about the vision 2000, for me personally. It's just too much of an animal to get to grips with.
For now it has gone back in the tin until I can think what to do with it.

Can any one reccomend a good safety razor to complement my 38c, I thought the vision 2000 would be pretty good but as already said it's a bit of an animal.
I was looking at the Parker 98r, but this looks so similar to the 38c I might be wasting my time with it.

After two weeks of hell I have finally given up with the Mighty Vision 2000
I just can't adapt to it. My face looks like I have been tortured.
Tonight I have returned to my 38c, and what a fantasic shave. No cuts no nicks, smooth all over even in the hard to get right places, finished off with a splash of Tabac after shave. Brilliant!
I am not at all sure about the vision 2000, for me personally. It's just too much of an animal to get to grips with.
For now it has gone back in the tin until I can think what to do with it.

Can any one reccomend a good safety razor to complement my 38c, I thought the vision 2000 would be pretty good but as already said it's a bit of an animal.
I was looking at the Parker 98r, but this looks so similar to the 38c I might be wasting my time with it.


If you want an adjustable, the Merkur Progress is nice. For something different, the Merkur Slant 37C or 39C are interesting.
Thanks for the information.
I re posted this question again in the main shaving forum. Posting it in the Aftershave forum was a mistake. Sorry

Your Vision might not be adjusted properly. I bought a used Vision and it had a huge blade gap, even at the lowest setting. I've heard some come out of the factory this way too. I was beating myself up pretty badly using the thing. There are several threads about adjusting a vision (Search on vision surgery). After I adjusted mine I was able to dial the razor from scary aggressive down to Gillette Tech-like gentleness. I found the combination of a beefy razor with a mild blade gap gave a really great shave.
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Scoopster makes an excellent point here I reckon.
This time last year, after reading this forum for a couple of hours, I ordered a Vision, I wish I had read a bit more of this forum before jumping in and ordering.

When the Vision came I could get a blade in it but not adjust it.
After dissambling the thing I noticed there is some kind of "grub" screw that screws into the bottom of the handle and it was about an eighth of an inch proud, so I got some Mole grips to hold the handle shank and screwed the grub screw in till it was flush with the shank itself (it was more difficult than it sounds).
After that I could adjust it somewhat but it is a very strange animal that somehow loosens and tightens itself. Plus I got a lovely set of Mole grip scratches deep into the handle to improve the aethetics of the whole thing!

I will be searching for that Vision Surgery link right after this as I now think it's worth looking at fixing and testing properly.
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