I am just in the process of going back to DE shaving after going to disposables in the late 70's. So far I have picked up a Tech and a SS vintage razors off of ebay. They are shaving okay, as everyone states they are not very aggressive and I find myself using more pressure than I should.
I am curious on the lower price strata razors from the "third world", ie Lord, Concord and Gillette 7'oclock razors that can be purchased for roughly the same price of vintage razors. Are any of these an improvement on the classics in terms of aggressiveness?
I am just not ready to spend the money on a Merkur razor at this time.
I am curious on the lower price strata razors from the "third world", ie Lord, Concord and Gillette 7'oclock razors that can be purchased for roughly the same price of vintage razors. Are any of these an improvement on the classics in terms of aggressiveness?
I am just not ready to spend the money on a Merkur razor at this time.