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Vintage 40s/50s era colgate Shaving cream

so I scored a vintage tube of Colgate shaving cream on ebay - I got it more for a collector's piece as I had no idea if the product would still be good, nor did the seller.... the seller and I are assuming it's from the 50s and possibly the 40s (it's certainly well pre-zip code era)

well, i lathered it up and got a decent lather this morning - would have easily gotten more with a bit more product and another minute swirling the brush, but I didn't shave with it yet - just did a quick lathering test. It still smells wonderful. let's hope it's got the slickness and glide a new cream has.... <fingers crossed>

thought I'd share the pics....

$colgate lather.jpg

$colgate cream back.jpg
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You got a winner but I would save it for special days like your Birthday etc.

oh I'm definitely going to use this VERY sparingly... one reason I used so little in this morning's test lather.
usually i'm quite generous with my soaps/creams when the product is still in production, but this I will carefully ration lol

perhaps the best part is, I got it for $8.99 + $3 shipping :badger:
Man, that's awesome. It's really a shame that great American products like this are no longer produced.
I totally agree! I absolutely love how the Colgate soap pucks smell because they remind me of my grandfather shaving when I was very young. I would love to be able to buy a shave cream in a tube that could mirror that.
Very sad that so many of the past classics are now gone.
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