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Van der Hagen Luxury soap...at Target!

Maybe this is old news, but Target in Phoenix carries VDH Luxury soap in scented and unscented. They also have the VDH badger brush. The soaps are $3.99, I don't remember the price on the brush.

I had to buy and try the scented soap. It seems excellent....smooth, slick and gentle. Lathers easily in our hard water, and smells nice too. Scent is similar to VDH deluxe...but fresher. No menthol or eucalyptus. Really nice stuff...it would be a good first soap. It could be a fine every day soap.
Two of the three Targets relatively close to me carry nothing at all from the VDH line, and Walmart only carries the deLuxe soap.

I'll eventually checl on the third one . .
After spotting this thread I checked my local Target and low and behold they had both scented and unscented in stock. I grabbed the last two scented pucks at $3.99 each.

While I'm a Mama Bear soap fan, I always keep some Vdh (and before that the Surrey label) on hand as it has proved over the decades to be a solid reliable puck. The Luxury stuff is great and a definite step up from the Deluxe versions. If I were forced to use Vdh Luxury and nothing else I could easily live with it. Highly recommended!

Injector Razors: '74 Schick/Int'l Silver "Paul Revere" | '65 PAL adj | '66 Schick M1 adj | '75 Schick L1 | '70 Personna stainless | '53 Eversharp-Schick G8
Blades: NOS Schick Platinum Plus | AAFES Personna Platinum Chrome
Brushes: '02 Shavemac custom Thuja wood 23mm Silvertip | '07 Rooney 2/1 Faux Ivory 22mm Super | '12 Rudy Vey custom Box Elder 24mm TGN Finest XH
Creams: Taylors (Avacado; Rose) | Trumpers (Coconut) | RazoRock (Mughetto di Bologna, Fresco)
Soaps: Mama Bear (various) | Van der Hagen (Deluxe, Luxury)
Witch Hazel/Balm: Thayers Cucumber | Issey Miyake alcohol-free
Brush Scuttle/Lather Bowl: Robert Becker Feats of Clay | Danish Gravy
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The entire VDH soap line up is really great. That VDH badger brush, unfortunately, is no good. Sheds like a German Shepherd dog in July, and no backbone at all. Floppy and sheddy is no way to go thru life.
The just built a Target across from my office so I decided to tool around one day at lunch. There was the VDH luxury soaps and the kit with the brush, stand, mug etc. I've been dying to try these for a while, my disdain of buying online and current stock of soaps and creams kept it from being a priority. But right there in front of me, I coudn't pass it up. Love this stuff.
Maybe this is old news, but Target in Phoenix carries VDH Luxury soap in scented and unscented. They also have the VDH badger brush. The soaps are $3.99, I don't remember the price on the brush.

I had to buy and try the scented soap. It seems excellent....smooth, slick and gentle. Lathers easily in our hard water, and smells nice too. Scent is similar to VDH deluxe...but fresher. No menthol or eucalyptus. Really nice stuff...it would be a good first soap. It could be a fine every day soap.

Hard water to say the least! I bought distilled water by the gallon when I lived out there, and then I'd take the empty jugs out to the water machines and refill them. I wouldn't even cook with that water *LOL* I will be sure to swing by Target next chance I get, I really like the VDH Deluxe soap so I will have to try the Luxury if they have it, thanks for the heads up!


The wife's investment
I believe this is the set. I saw it at my local target the other day, and the bush in the set is boar, not the badger one in the box next to it.
...I had to buy and try the scented soap. It seems excellent....smooth, slick and gentle. Lathers easily in our hard water, and smells nice too. Scent is similar to VDH deluxe...but fresher. No menthol or eucalyptus. Really nice stuff...it would be a good first soap. It could be a fine every day soap.

I had to try it as well. IMO it is definitely a soap I could live with (especially at that price) but no way it can replace the likes of cella, xxx, or proraso. BTW it fits perfectly in the RE Espresso cups that they sell there. :thumbup:
I believe this is the set. I saw it at my local target the other day, and the bush in the set is boar, not the badger one in the box next to it.
View attachment 261379

If you look on the VDH website it says the brush in this specific kit is "100% pure badger hair."

and for the record this is a pretty useful kit for someone that just started DE shaving (namely me!)
I have been rocking the Bigelow but I plan on buying a puck of the Luxury scented here and there to encourage them to keep stocking it!
Oh, man, VDH Luxury soap for $3.99? This is great soap and at that price cannot be topped. I will definitely be checking at my Target soon (Atlanta area).
If you look on the VDH website it says the brush in this specific kit is "100% pure badger hair."

VDH sells this kit in two different formats: the standard kit listed on their website (and sold through Amazon) that has the Badger Brush. And a special kit made only for Target that has a boar brush. Take a look at the brush in the Target kit, if the brush is banded (a white, dark, white pattern as depicted in the box above), then that is most certainly a dyed Boar brush, as the VDH Badger brush is made of pure badger, which is never banded (the banding indicates a higher grade of badger hair).

Also note, that the standard packaging specifically says the brush is badger, while referencing the photo above, it just says the package contains a brush.

Here is the standard packaging (containing the badger brush) for comparison:

View attachment 263772
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I got excited when I started hearing guys on here talking about finding VDH products at their local Target stores, so I hopped into my local Target yesterday to stock up on some shave related goodies. Alas, absolutely no VDH products to be found anywhere in the store, and the only other Target anywhere near me is a good hour and a half away :thumbdown
The Target near me has no VDH soap which is too bad, because I do like it. I have the badger brush from that set - it was a gift. It isn't a bad brush and was inexpensive. Mine hasn't shed.
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