I have a couple tubs of Taylor's shave creams (Rose/Eton College), a tube of Proraso, and a tube of Kiss My Face Face Lavendar.
I like them all. They smell nice and perform pretty well, but they all pale in comparison to my $2.50 Vander Hagan Deluxe Shave Soap I bought from Wal Greens.
I don't get it?
It doesn't seem to lather that much better, but the glide of the razor is noticeably better, my shave is much closer, and my skin doesn't really dry out at all. I prep the same way (wet, hot towel, for about 2/3 mins) and use the same blades too (Personna).
Is it just that soaps perform better than creams? Or is it just that my skin responds better to this particular brand?
I like all my sort of fancy fragrant creams, but I guess I may not need them anymore...
I like them all. They smell nice and perform pretty well, but they all pale in comparison to my $2.50 Vander Hagan Deluxe Shave Soap I bought from Wal Greens.
I don't get it?
It doesn't seem to lather that much better, but the glide of the razor is noticeably better, my shave is much closer, and my skin doesn't really dry out at all. I prep the same way (wet, hot towel, for about 2/3 mins) and use the same blades too (Personna).
Is it just that soaps perform better than creams? Or is it just that my skin responds better to this particular brand?
I like all my sort of fancy fragrant creams, but I guess I may not need them anymore...