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a very great preshave soap

Hi all,

Just wanted to share my experience with pears new glycerin soap. They have two new different soaps out now the blue and green, i don't know how long they have been on the market.In the past i tried the amber pear soap which was decent, but meh 😕. But my local Dollar tree has all three bars of pears, the amber, blue and green, for 1.25 per bar. The green one has whisker melting ingredient, lemon flower extract, its specifically made for oily skin. Meaning it really also strips the hair of oil and allowing water to penetrate the hair shaft. I do believe this ingredient really strips the hair from all that oil/sebum a lot better than the amber pears. The amber is good but imo no were near as good as the green.

I do believe as well any of the pears soap will work for a preshave wash is because the ph level is 8-9. We know that alkaline soaps really do damage the hair shaft/cuticle and allowing water to penetrate the hair. I really do believe the green is way better than the amber bar because of the lemon flower extract, it really cuts through the oil! It smells amazing too! Were as the amber kinda smells medical.. I was amazed that this soap didn't irritate my skin being so alkaline, but i had zero irration. It lathers into a nice soft rich lather. I just rubbed the bar into palms of my hands creating a rich lather and rubbed it on my skin and into my beard/whiskers for about 2 minutes and rinsed it off completely and went on (with face lathering) my shave. Give it a try and report back! If your local Dollar tree doesn't have it here you go: Amazon.com - https://www.amazon.com/Pears-Clear-Lemon-Flower-Extracts/dp/B072558SD6/ref=asc_df_B072558SD6?mcid=98bf7c63cce4337caea4aa379b68ccc9&tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693557661516&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4777247736150285824&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9013398&hvtargid=pla-2064759448509&psc=1

Cheers 🥂

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Eben Stone

Staff member
has whisker melting ingredient
I'll have to give this a try. I've been experimenting with reducing my face's exposure to water, and instead maximize the exposure to soap, with the intent to make the whiskers brittle instead of soft. I got this crazy idea from reading the "art of shaving" book recommended by another member. I've had pretty good results so far, but I'd like to experiment with different soaps. Thanks for the recommendation.
I'll have to give this a try. I've been experimenting with reducing my face's exposure to water, and instead maximize the exposure to soap, with the intent to make the whiskers brittle instead of soft. I got this crazy idea from reading the "art of shaving" book recommended by another member. I've had pretty good results so far, but I'd like to experiment with different soaps. Thanks for the recommendation.
Your welcome:) Hmm interesting 🤔. One thing to consider you cannot have soap/suds without water, its the vehicle that activates the soap. Based on what i have read (the science of what happens during prep)A very alkaline soap will break down the hair shaft/cuticles and flush out oils and grit thus allowing moisture to enter the hair shaft making it a certain percentage (don't know how much) easier to cut. Another thought I assume cold water would be fine, for shaving because it seals the moisture in the hair shaft because the cold water closes the cuticles, but it would be better to do a hot water prep to open the cuticles then seal them (if you wanted to cold water shave) with cold water .

Dave himself

No Words of Wisdom
I used Pears for the first time tonight. I loaded my brush with Pears the way I would any other soap, then I loaded Arko on top of that. I have to say it's the slickest thing I've ever shaved with. Oh and I used the amber bar. I think I'll skip the green as my skin is on the dry side I don't need to be stripping any more oil off it.
I used Pears for the first time tonight. I loaded my brush with Pears the way I would any other soap, then I loaded Arko on top of that. I have to say it's the slickest thing I've ever shaved with. Oh and I used the amber bar. I think I'll skip the green as my skin is on the dry side I don't need to be stripping any more oil off it.
Nice idea, it if works for you thats glad to hear, shaving brother from another mother 👍. I just create a lather in my hands rolling the soap around in my hand and rubbing it into my beard for 2 minutes followed by a hot towel. The green for me doesn't dry me out, no irration at all, and i can sometimes be sensitive to certain ingredients with my skin:) I can tell as far as my use its superior to the amber pear soap as a preshave wash. The green smells amazing, kinda citrusy, but nice and clean smell . But agree this preshave wash/soap is slick, and lathers great! It has enough moisture quality ingredients that it doesn't overdry my skin. The green does strip off oils,(prepping my hair to receive water) but i get no sting or redness, but everyone's skin is different.

Good thing is it only costs a 1.25 at the Dollar tree, so you guys here could buy all 3 bars(theres a blue bar/mint) and see what works for you all the best. I have found mine the green;) I reach out to Mantic59/Mark and told him about it, he said he would give me his experience after using the soap. The lemon flower extract is the magic bullet/ingredient that melts my whiskers;) Better than any Mr Glow/Musgo Real Glyce Lime Oil Soap i have ever tried . To be honest i would pay 2-3 times as much as i payed for this Pears green if i had to buy it elsewhere it is that good to me. Musgo Real Glyce Lime Oil Soap was like 12.00-14.00 per puck+shipping, and it didn't lather all that good and it dried my skin out by irritating it and didn't soften my whiskers very well.

Thanks for sharing your experience! I ain't promoting this soap,lol or have any affiliation with this company. I just thought it was so good i just had to share it with fellow B&Bers!

Never used pears but, it might be worth a try if I can get them for less than my normal soap that I use. I have been using Neutrogena Glycerin soap for about 30+ years. It doubles as a preshave. I get it for about $3 a bar.
I’ve been using Pears soap on and off since I started shaving. These days I alternate between Pears, Droyt and Waitrose, and at the moment I’m using Waitrose. All of these are good choices.


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