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Valet Auto Strop idea

How do fella's :biggrin1:
Having recently purchased three Valet Auto Strops from the bay for the price of £7.75 i realized when they got here that underneath the head, where it says Valet it has several notches (if thats the right term) which make it so only Valet blades can be used.
Obviously another company must have been making cheaper blades and this is what Valet did to solve the issue.
Now my idea is do you think it would be possible to file down the notches and thus alter it so that SE blades will go?
I have seen the videos on youtube demonstrating how to adjust an SE blade so that it will fit but the video was for a different model Valet,not one with these notches.
Now two of the Valets look in pretty nice condition so i will them alone but one is user grade so do you think its worth a shot? :001_smile

Hmm upon another look i may just have answered my own question, I dont think there is anything to stop the blade pushing out if i was to file down the notches
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at the price you paid, i guess you could try modifying one. Personally, i'd expirement on the rattiest, ugliest one. Still, i'm not 100% sure that would even hold the blade tightly enough to safely shave with the razor.

I've never handled a VALET cutout model (only the type-c with the spine mount), could you post pics of the blade holding mechanism?
at the price you paid, i guess you could try modifying one. Personally, i'd expirement on the rattiest, ugliest one. Still, i'm not 100% sure that would even hold the blade tightly enough to safely shave with the razor.

I will have a look at it better and see if anything can be done, i need to clean them up aswell as i havent had the chance to yet.
I did get two sealed blades in one of the boxes, plus two open blades in the other two razors, its a good job i was paying attention when they arrived :lol:
I have a camera but its not the greatest, so i dont know it it would show enough detail without going blurry, will see if i can get a photo up in abit
D.Irving79 said:
i tried filing one down last week. dont waste your time.
from the pics i've seen, the tabs are punched and folded with the cutouts. Would it be possible/worthwhile to bend them back flat?
i tried filing one down last week. dont waste your time.

Does the blade just push out the back like i think it would?
Seems like the notches were made not due to others making blades but to solve the problem of the blade moving, which is pretty clever but a pain if you want to try one now a days :lol:
pretty much. i tried it with a spineless blade and a blade with a spine. youre better off doing it the way i recommend to everyone: aggravation free :lol:
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