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Using same daily set up Damaskeene/Superspeed

Evening Gents
As we are moving house in 2 days the shaving kit is down to a minimum.
This is a good thing as its made me use the same gear, something I have failed miserably with since starting 4 months ago.
Kit is: Arko stick for face lathering paired with basic Omega boar brush. I started with face lathering and then went to bowl and only
now have gone back to it and it took a bit of sorting out again. Not enough water in brush the first time. Anyway great now and the boar
is an awesome little brush.
First pass is Damaskeene DE with Gem blade and second and third with 1965 Gillette SS with 7 0'clock yellow permasharps.
Great feeling shave bordering on BBS most days. Today I had some AS samples arrive from "Gary" so on went Alt Innsbruck "fabulous"

So still much to learn but I am pleased I have used the same gear for a week now although I am very keen to get the FB out
I got from Mark1966 once we get moved in and unpacked.

Cheers for all the help !
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