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Two Questions on the Schick Injector E

1. I have two Schick Injector E's. Neither gives a smooth and comfortable shave, though the closeness of the shaves are identical and excellent. I've experimented in every way I can think of. I've varied the angle and I've varied the pressure. I've used different soaps. No difference. I get outstanding smooth and comfortable shaves will all my other injectors, the G, I, J, and the M adjustable set on a 7. I use and like the China injector blades. I know the E has a reputation for aggressiveness, but anyone have suggestions for me? I want to keep and use the E as I was born in the late 1930 when the E was made.

2. My one E is U.S made and the other is 1937 Canada made. Is there a story behind the Canadian model? They shave identical to me, and the only difference I can see is that one has tabs on the spring which I believe is of no consequence.

Thanx guys, for any input.
No real help from me except that I have 2 Type Es and both give excellent shaves and no discomfort issues. You have experience with other Schicks which I cannot match so it's a bit of a mystery if your blades are good and you have investigated variables. I use minimal pressure and the blades must be seated correctly, that's all I can suggest.
Sounds like the E types just don't agree with your technique, skin type or something. Maybe just use them for the first pass and finish up with a different razor that you get along with better, that way you can keep them in the rotation but maybe eliminate some of the problems from the second or third passes.

I don't know much about the Canada plant, other than I don't think it was around very long because the E types seem to be the only ones with the Canada patent info. They dropped the side flaps on the springs with the E4 models.
When I use my E, I use just enough pressure to hold the blade to my whiskers, otherwise I'll receive a bit of Razor Burn. I've compared the Blade gap of my E & L, though they are almost identical, the L is a much milder Razor and I can cheat with a bit more pressure. Unfortunately I don't have a micrometer to actually measure the gaps on each Razor and base my observation on actual shaves and eye-ball comparison.
Sounds like the E types just don't agree with your technique, skin type or something. Maybe just use them for the first pass and finish up with a different razor that you get along with better, that way you can keep them in the rotation but maybe eliminate some of the problems from the second or third passes.

I don't know much about the Canada plant, other than I don't think it was around very long because the E types seem to be the only ones with the Canada patent info. They dropped the side flaps on the springs with the E4 models.

I am the O/P. Last night as I was pondering my problem with the Schick Injector E, I thought of one more variable I might try: Shaving with cold water. I had a cold water shave this morning and the results were the same as with warm water: A close shave, but a very uncomfortable shave. The E gives me the feeling that I'm shaving with a piece of sand paper, while my other razors generally are as smooth as silk.

I guess the reason that the E and I do not bond is unclear. I will keep my two E's, but they will be for collector purposes, not for a place in my weekly rotation.

BTW I have 21 SE razors and 31 DE razors and have been a wet shaver since 1952. I have whiskers that are "medium coarse." The E is the only one out of my 52 razors that severely challenges me. Life would be boring if it didn't contain some mysteries, yes?

Thanx to all for your comments.
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