My Tweezerman brush broke today after only having it for about three weeks
. The brush bristles detached from the handle, it came unglued. I guess that is the way it goes when you pay only 10 dollars for a badger brush. I must say I did like it, although I have just used it and an 8 dollar Van Der Hagen boar brush that I had purchased at Walgreens. I am however going to attempt to take Tweezerman up on their supposed lifetime warranty. Has anyone else returned one of their brushes that had broke? Did they send you a new one? I know that what happened to mine has happened to other ones. If Tweezerman sends a new one out I will be very happy. I like their brush way better than my VDH brush. So I will be stuck using my VDH brush till Tweezerman sends me a replacement (I hope).