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Truefitt & Hill Carlton Barley Razor

I was wondering if anyone could explain the existence of the Carlton Barley safety razor on the Truefitt & Hill website:

I cannot find any information about this razor anywhere. It seems to be the exact same design as the Edwin Jagger Chatsworth Barley safety razor. Are these two razors the exact same? Is it a case of rebranding? I contacted Truefitt about this, but it looks like they aren't going to respond.

The reason I ask is because I ordered it on Truefitt (it's on the way) and I am uncertain as to the quality of the Carlton Barley razor. I couldn't find any reviews for it (or really any information about the brand).

Thanks for the response.
As the Gentlemen before me said, it looks awfully similar with the E Jagger Barley. However, from the picture it seems that the T&H razor uses a Merkur head. The EJ now uses Muhle heads for their razors.

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