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Tried a tweezerman brush

....found a Tweezerman brush that i had forgotten that i had purchased...... still brand new in the box.....

.......used it for the first time last night............

........... it really is crappy.......... i lathered up 3 times, each time it shed about 5 to 7 hairs....

......... i believe i'll try shaving with it until the all the hairs fall out......

...... judging by the experience last night.... it will probably lose its last hair around the end of July...

.... but 'Life Time Warranty' was printed on the box...........
New brushes always lose hairs at first..... it's just the loose hairs that didn't completely combed out when the knot was assembled.
It's only a problem if it's still doing that in a couple weeks.
I've got a Tweezerman that is my faithful travel brush. I've been using it for a couple of years now with no issues, so I guess YMMV.
I love my Tweezerman, I did lose some hairs in the beginning, but after ther break in period (i think it was like 5 shaves) it worked like a dream
for the price it's a good first brush or travel brush. i had one that i used for about 6 months straight and had no problems with losing hair. little scritchy because of the cut hairs, but definitely as good as some other pure badgers out there for double the money.
.....appreciate the comments, guys.......

........ perhaps i was a bit premature on my review of the Tweezerman..........

............more to follow in a few weeks..........
My first brush was a Tweezerman, and it did fine to introduce me to DE shaving for a low price. I'm glad I bought it. But I recently picked up a Simpson Berkeley as the Tweezerman's replacement. And, while it's a bit small for my liking, it's a HUGE step up from the scritchy Tweezerman. Now I can lift the hair on my face up by swirling the brush without irritating my skin.
I'm pretty happy with my Tweezerman. Like most, it shed a few hairs but stopped after the 5-6 shave. Been using it for a year now and its broken in quite well. I'd like to upgrade but i'm in no hurry......cheers, rich
For the price it's hard to beat. As far as lifetime warranty goes, it'll cost the same to ship it as buying a new one. But that's probably why they did it. I like mine but I'll probably upgrade it to something better in the next year.
Tweezerman was my fist brush and used it every shave for at least a year. A great brush value in my opinion. Started reading about the boars and got hooked on the Omega boars. Think I will dig out my old T-man and give it a whirl tomorrow.
Well my cheap VDH sheds all the time, I think it's still shedding (not as consistently, but I notice a hair here and there.
But it's also a fairly big brush, it's not like I'm noticing hair missing?

I figure too for the price paid, if this works for 6 months and something goes wrong, I probably still came out in the positive. Plus these are not meant as Simpson Pure Badger brushes, if we didn't have cheap brushes like these (which aren't luxurious but makes plenty fine lather) how would newbies start out?
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