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Traveling Slant - Try Before You Buy

After a few days with the slant, my quick summary is "I've got to get one of these!". I will write more at the end of the week. Also, quick question: the NEW slant that is going around...is it a new updated 37c or the old version. If no one knows, I will post photos in a different thread.
Update: Just heard back from smalldog27. He is opting out because he is deployed overseas. So I am going to move on to next in line. That would be czbeme. I will send a message to them and go from there.
Not really on topic but I wonder what happened to Jeff_H that initially put this razor to travel. He has not been online for a very long time. Hopefully everything is OK with him.
Maybe we should put smalldog27 at the bottom of the list so he has another chance.

He should be removed. If he wishes to put himself back on the list he will do so. I wish smalldog27, all the best on his deployment and thank you for your service.
As an FYI, the newly purchased slant that I received is the "new" version with more pronounced teeth. There is a current thread on the difference if you're interested!
I'm not involved in the pass around but had my first shave with my new 37C this morning. Easily my best shave to date and it followed the myriad reports of a smooth and close shave with no irritation. Just wanted to recommend anyone to try these if they have any level of interest in doing so. For me, it was a rare occurrence where performance matched what I thought to be unrealistic hopes. Certainly, mileage varies, but it couldn't have gone any better in my case.
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Count me in. Looking forward to it.

1. fwp3
2. smalldog27
3. nelsonic21
4. czbeme
5. Mojorisin35
6. chili Head
7. williaty
8. Scotchd
9. Mr. Daniel
10. FoolishMortal
11. Chrispy73
12. jwien20264
13. bobmsp
14. Edwin
15. MGShogun
16. Blaidth
17. roadcykler
18. vanhooglesnort
19. (DE NH)
Just had my first shave with the slant. I loaded it with a new Red Personna blade and was a little nervous when I saw the blade gap on this razor. I did a 2 pass shave and finished with some Skin Bracer. There were no nicks or cuts and no burning from the aftershave. It gave me a nice DFS that's the same as a 3 pass shave from closed comb razor. I'll add another pass and see how it goes after a couple more shaves.
This seems to be the updated list now:

1. czbeme
2. Mojorisin35
3. chili Head
4. williaty
5. Scotchd
6. Mr. Daniel
7. FoolishMortal
8. Chrispy73
9. jwien20264
10. bobmsp
11. Edwin
12. MGShogun
13. Blaidth
14. roadcykler
15. vanhooglesnort
16. (DE NH)
Not really on topic but I wonder what happened to Jeff_H that initially put this razor to travel. He has not been online for a very long time. Hopefully everything is OK with him.

I was wondering that too. I tried to PM him and it got sent back because is inbox was full.
My impression was comfortably aggressive and smoother than the 34c. I have decided that it doesn't add much to my collection and $ is tight, so I will not be buying one at this time. However, if I only had a 34c or an 89, I'd buy this in a heartbeat. Final thought: I have many non slants and never had a blade alignment issue, but you must be diligent with this razor.
Hello everyone.

I'm not in, as I got a brand new 37c this week and found this thread while looking at reviews of this slant.

Here is what I think of this razor for those waiting to try one.

Background : Here are the razors I own in the order I purchased them :
EJ DE89BL, Merkur Progress, Merkur Classic 1904/1906 OC and Merkur 37c Slant.

All great razors IMHO, but some slightly better that others.

I used my 37c only twice with a Rapira Swedish Supersteel blade. But this was such a great experience.

I was able to get 2 perfect DFS+ shaves without any sign of irritation, nicks or cuts with this combo. Two passes, WTG + XTG. And some minor touch ups. Absolutely no pressure. I usually get some minor irritation on the lower part of my neck even with the best preparation and technique. Not with this razor. I know that 2 shaves are not a lot, but I don't think I had such a perfect shave in the last 3 years (had a full beard 7 years before that).

Another thing that was interesting is the sound of this razor. I get a lot of audio feedback with this combo.

Time will tell if this is the best razor for me, but right now, I know this is a really good choice for my skin / hair / technique.

The only negative for me is that as it is slanted, it doesn't stay stable in my stand. I could just hang it upside down, but I don't like the look of it.
I have received a PM however I purchased a slant razor in between posting and my turn. Please pass along to the next person on the list.
My week with the slant is finished and I'm sending it out today. The shaves went well and the razor is efficient. A 2 pass shave with it gives me the same results as a 3 pass shave with a closed comb and does a great job on my chin. An extra touch up with the 37c gives me a very close shave. Compared to an open comb, it's as efficient as my Gillette New with a little less feel from the blade. I'm very happy with the results, but don't plan on buying one since I already have 8 razors in my collection.
I've received the slant a couple days ago and gave it a go this morning.
I went at it like I do with my 34c. Big mistake! This razor demands respect. It's more aggressive and a bid more uncomfortable than the 34c buts that's due to me being unfamiliar with it I'm sure. I got a few weepers and some irritation that I don't normally get but I did get a closer shave. I'll take more time with it on my next shave and see how it goes. After two weeks I'll post my final thoughts and send it on to the next person on the list.
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