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Travel Razor

I'm headed to China in a few weeks (supposedly), and I'm looking at my Dopp kit. For domestic car travel, I've had a Norfolk NEW short comb in my Dopp kit for a couple years now. With international air travel, I'm considering what happens if I end up losing my checked / Dopp / razor. My three possibilities for checked luggage are the Norfolk, a LC ball-handle, or my current favorite Slim adjustable.
Leaving the Slim aside for the moment, which of my other two alternatives would be more difficult to replace? The Norfolk SC NEW or the ball-handle LC NEW? I'm leaning toward the probability that the Norfolk would be the hardest to replace.

Am I correct?
In my limited experience, I believe you are correct. I think finding the New would be a much easier task. They seem to have been more mass produced. Good luck on the trip. I'd love to travel to China.
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