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Travel Case for Brush Question

Ok, I grabbed a couple of pill bottles from the pharmacy to use as a case for my brush when traveling. One is a couple of mm too short and when I put the cap on the bottle the tips get squashed. The next size up is like an inch too tall and I would like to go as small as possible. My question is, will squashing the tips while traveling damage the brush at all or will it return to it's original shape after use?
I wouldn't worry about it being too big by an inch, but I don't think I'd want one squishing my brush.

Just get one of these and you will be set for LIFE - regardless of which brush you intend to travel with down the road...

Review here: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=121346

Well, there you have it. I did not see that before and will definitely pick one up. Now, any suggestions for cases for my DE razor?


My elbows leak
Staff member
What about the leather sleeve style or the radius for a cartridge razor?

Some folks like the leather sleeve, I don't care for them personally.
If you look into one, make sure that you don't have a problem with the inner side of the closure snap scratching your razor.
I use a plastic soap dish padded with a paper towel for my de. My straight I use a toothbrush holder with toilet paper in one end to keep it from moving. I also keep two packs of blades in the soap dish.:thumbup:
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