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Trac II (GII): I'm impressed

I recently bought a Gillette Trac II (GII) handle from dridiot on Ebay. I was looking for something to use as an (airline-safe) travel razor. The Wilkinson Sword Pronto disposables are OK, but no more than that, so I was looking for something better.

Shaved with the GII this morning and I have to say I'm impressed. Very fast and easy to use, very comfortable, smooth result. With the Pronto disposable I sometimes have tiny weepers; none with the GII. Also ATG on the upper lip, a difficult area for me, went without problems.

The biggest surprise came when I splashed on my alcohol-based AS (Thayer's Witch Hazel) after the shave: I didn't feel anything. The shave was just as close as with my DE, but there was absolutely no burning sensation. It could just as well have been water. Even with my best DE shaves I never accomplished that.

I can see why this thing was a success when it came out in the early seventies. Trust me -- it wasn't just marketing.
I would agree with you. The Trac II, Atra, and Sensor were all quality products. Everything Gillette has made after that has been total garbage. :cool:
That was my first razor back in 1980. It was a freebie that my dad got in the mail. Switched to the atra after I recieved one in the mail two years later. Got it shortly after registering for the draft. Gillettes pretty smart on their marketing programs.

The GII, Trac II, Schick Super II, and Bump Fighter handle with TII/Personna Twin II cartridges all work well in a pinch. The BF is the most substantial and has become a go-to. My biggest complaint is that the cartridges don't seat to the blade clip on the BF and Schick without some minor slipping present, but it holds well enough not to effect the shave.

Jarmo P

I can imagine you would like Bic Sensitives too. The one blade disposables.
I can use them but the blade is very sharp like your beloved Swedes, so I have to be careful not to apply any pressure.
For those who want to try a Trac II cheap, get a Bump Fighter razor from Wal-Mart for $3.74 and Personna blades in the 10 pack are less than $4. I think the reason they work so well is the fixed head requires many of the same skills as a DE.
I can imagine you would like Bic Sensitives too. The one blade disposables.
I can use them but the blade is very sharp like your beloved Swedes, so I have to be careful not to apply any pressure.

Thanks for the tip. When I was looking for single blade disposable some time ago I tried both the Wilkinson Sword Pronto and the Bic Sensitive and I liked the Pronto more. The Bic gave me more weepers.

The GII is clearly better than both though, so I've found my travel razor.

Jarmo P

There should not be any weepers with any shaver. I like the Bics but they definately can be a bit too sharp for me under the chin if I am careless.

My last Bic time i used was for over a month ago since I have not travelled.
This is a tip for Dutch readers who like the Gillette GII. The regular GII blades without the lube strip are (so I've heard) no longer made; they are still available here and there but they aren't very cheap, between 8 and 11 euros for 10 blades is what I've seen.

An alternative could be the HEMA tweezijdige scheermesjes (twin blades); these are clones of the Gillette GII blades without lube strip, they fit the Gillette GII handle, and they cost only 3 euros for 10 blades.

I haven't shaved with them so I don't know how good they are.
Trac II (or GII here in Europe) is a superb shaver...:wink: Mine was in rotation too this morning. Nice and smooth indeed. The blades here are still available with or without lubastrip for 6 €, pack of 5, G' made.ASR made for € 1,5o pack of ten.Those last ones fit the Atra too.'Till Sensor (included) G' used to do nice shavers...

Maybe a sub forum for cartridges as our fellows at SD...
I like the Bics but they definately can be a bit too sharp for me under the chin if I am careless.

The Bic gave me more weepers.
Interesting. I can't seem to cut myself with a Bic Sensitive if I tried. They aren't terribly aggressive, so I end up just going over patches repeatedly, using pressure, etc. Despite all this, I don't get irritation or pain; truly the razor I can't screw up with.

Sounds like I should check out the Trac II some time, but I'd be afraid of liking it too much and ignoring my DEs:wink:
Careful with store-brand cartridges. The only Atra or Trac-II compliant cartidges I've found that are really decent are the Personnas from Wal-mart (I prefer them to Gillettes actually). I've randomly picked up others (most recently, from Dollar General), even ones that were supposedly manufactured by ASR are inferior to the Wal-mart Personnas. Just sayin'
Careful with store-brand cartridges. The only Atra or Trac-II compliant cartidges I've found that are really decent are the Personnas from Wal-mart (I prefer them to Gillettes actually). I've randomly picked up others (most recently, from Dollar General), even ones that were supposedly manufactured by ASR are inferior to the Wal-mart Personnas. Just sayin'

I shaved with the HEMA store brand GII-compatible cartridge this morning. It was slightly duller than the original Gillette cartridge, but still quite useable. At 1/4th of the price of the Gillette cartridges I'd say they are a good deal. Also because the Gillette cartridges without lube strip won't be available anymore soon, if my information is correct.
I'm waiting to try some Personna Twin II Plus cartridges since they're cheaper than the Gillettes. The best price was from americanrx; I ordered three weeks ago and they still haven't been delivered. If any of you run across this distributor and are tempted by their cheap prices, fight the urge. They are The Worst.

By the way, if anyone has tried both the Trac II and the GII handles, I'd like to hear what you think about any differences between the two. I never realized 'til recently that the GII has a more rounded handle, and at least on cartridge razors the round handle slips more in my hand than a squarish one (original TII).
By the way, if anyone has tried both the Trac II and the GII handles, I'd like to hear what you think about any differences between the two. I never realized 'til recently that the GII has a more rounded handle

My GII handle looks like this. It doesn't look very rounded to me.
Hmm. There are GII's on eBay from dridiot, manufactured in Germany, that are definitely more rounded, with more pronounced ribbing and sculpturing. He calls them the "rare, rounded handle." I don't know enough about Trac II's/GII's to say whether it has to do with earlier vs. later generations of the model, or the country of manufacture, etc., but I was unaware before this that there were any differences. The NOS American-manufactured Trac II I have on order has the same handle shape as yours.
My GII handle looks like this. It doesn't look very rounded to me.

Mine is the same...On the pic i couldn't see if there is Gillette engraved on the superior face just above the metal strip... Mine doesn't have it. I've heard some stories about a clone or replica of that handle being manufactured in China and sold at Amazon among others under the name of Precision 3000 handle razor. I've seen here some pics of NOS Trac II G's still in blister and all have Gillette engraved on the handle.Do you think it means something?
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