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TOBS Soap vs Cream

Need some advice here please.

I am just about through a tube of TOBS Sandlewood cream and love the stuff. I just like the smell, not sure if it is truely sandlewood, but I am hooked. I have some soaps that give me a better lather so I am wondering if the TOBS soap will give me a better lather but still give the scent I get from the cream.

Just thought I would ask this question before I order a tub of the cream.

Has anyone used the cream and soap (only TOBS) and are they comparable in terms of scent??

TOBS Sandalwood cream is also my favorite of everything I have tried or have in my den. I cannot help you with soap as I like cream, I like being able to close it up when I am done, and I like not having a wet cake of soap(except in the shower). I will tell you that the TOBS aftershave and Gentlemen's bath soap in Sandalwood are the exact same scent and are a nice complement to the cream.
I love the ToBS Sandalwood SC (I used it today, in fact). I have not tried the soap version yet, although it is my intention to do so because, like you, I tend to prefer soaps to creams.

The way I see it, we are big boys now, and we get to have BOTH if we want both.

I bet if you put them together it would make one heck of a superlather.

Go ahead, give it a try. You are entitled to treat yourself. Someone will take it off your hands if you hate it, but what are the odds of that actually happening?

I love the ToBS Sandalwood SC (I used it today, in fact). I have not tried the soap version yet, although it is my intention to do so because, like you, I tend to prefer soaps to creams.

The way I see it, we are big boys now, and we get to have BOTH if we want both.

I bet if you put them together it would make one heck of a superlather.

Go ahead, give it a try. You are entitled to treat yourself. Someone will take it off your hands if you hate it, but what are the odds of that actually happening?


Now that is a good answer!! Exactly what I was thinking (and hoping).

Just put the order in for both :biggrin:

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Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
I have used the TOBS sandalwood soap, and several TOBS creams (a tub of avocado, most of a tub of St James, and put a decent dent into a tub of rose) but not the sandalwood cream.

That said, I find the TOBS creams to be the real winner here, and the soaps kind of so-so. Not that they are bad soaps, but they don't rank as highly compared to other soaps the way the TOBS creams do against other creams.

I cannot comment on the scent of the cream vs. the scent of the soap. However ...

TOBS Sandalwood cream is also my favorite of everything I have tried or have in my den. I cannot help you with soap as I like cream, I like being able to close it up when I am done, and I like not having a wet cake of soap(except in the shower). I will tell you that the TOBS aftershave and Gentlemen's bath soap in Sandalwood are the exact same scent and are a nice complement to the cream.

... in my experience the shave soap and the aftershave (which I have also used up a whole bottle of) smell a bit different. I think they tried to do the same scent in both, but the aftershave (being a splash and not a soap) smells much less "soapy" and much more "alcoholic-splash-y", and the "old man scent" that is an undercurrent in the soap really comes to the fore in the splash.

YMMV and all that, and if you are sold on the scent it'd be worth trying a bottle of the splash.
I think TOBS soaps come out the winner here over their creams when it comes to performance. Even the scent of their soaps isn't that much more faint then that of their creams. Combined in a superlather, I don't think you could make a richer lather for shaving.
The only difference is water content IMO as is with other creams and their respective soaps, soap should last you a lot longer than the cream IME.

...I find the TOBS creams to be the real winner here, and the soaps kind of so-so. Not that they are bad soaps, but they don't rank as highly compared to other soaps the way the TOBS creams do against other creams.


+1! And I am a soap guy!!

I suggest going for the cream PLUS a soap from another company!! :thumbup: :thumbup:
I have many TOBS creams and not one of their soaps. I originally started this hobby using creams exclusively because to me it seemed that using a cream was easier than soap. Then I tried soaps and was able to see some differences in performance generally speaking. But having been on this site for almost 5 years now most of the discussion surrounding TOBS typically involves their creams. And most of the comparisons between their soaps and creams seems to indicate the creams are better. I'm very happy just using their creams as I find them to be good performers and I like their scents. Maybe one day I'll go for a puck of their soap just to see for myself.
i have both TOBS creams and soap but unfortunately i haven't used any of the soap yet, i do like the cream though but it's not my favourite, my favourite creams so far are equally between St James of London and Gentlemans Face Care Club, i find it difficult to pick a winner between these two as both are amazing 👍🏼
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