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TOBS Shaving Shop

Used it for the first time this morning, definitely enjoying the scent and its still lingering after 20 min post shave. Does this normally linger for a long time or should I just apply cologne as per usual, I have to say I wouldn't mind if the scent just stayed all day! :p
So far, in my experience, the scent does not linger all day. I use the rose scent. Smells pleasant and mild for a floral scent but it definitely does not linger around on my face post-shave, especially after a splash of Clubman AS!
I received a sample of shaving shop from Penmanship, a member here on the B&B. TOBS SS is a fantastic scent to me. Some have mentioned it smells like lemon sorbet. I don't pick up that scent, but it's a nice clean, soapy/ nutmeg like scent. Performs very well too.
TOBS Shaving Shop has a wonderful scent and works quite well, I find that most of the TOBS shave creams are well worth the investment if you like the scent.
about an hour is what I felt I could still smell it on myself, asked my wife later and she asked me what she was trying to smell and thus I figured it had burned off so to say
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