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TOBS Rose sample weak scent?

so I tried a sample today and was a little disappointed with the weak scent. It lasted only for a tiny part of the first lather, after that I couldn't really smell it.
The texture was thicker than cream but softer than soap? And the color was a pinkish purple, please tell me I got the wrong sample. :frown:
What was your sample of - soap or cream? I have the cream; scent lasts throughout all 2 1/2 passes and the color is, well, rose. Hope that helps some, John
What was your sample of - soap or cream? I have the cream; scent lasts throughout all 2 1/2 passes and the color is, well, rose. Hope that helps some, John

I thought it was a cream, but I can take a piece into my fingers and play with it like dough. THe color is inbetween pink and purple, and the scent is very faint. Having a strong rose scent is very important to this wet shaving turned gurly man, lol
Wow! My TOBS rose is not like putty at all. In fact, of the creams in my rotation (TOBS rose, TOBS sandalwood, C&E sandalwood, GFT violet and GFT coconut) the rose is the least dense out of the tub/tube. Where did you get this sample? The only TOBS cream I have that is a dense as you describe is a year-old mini sample jar of sandalwood - but it still shaves well.
Wow! My TOBS rose is not like putty at all. In fact, of the creams in my rotation (TOBS rose, TOBS sandalwood, C&E sandalwood, GFT violet and GFT coconut) the rose is the least dense out of the tub/tube. Where did you get this sample? The only TOBS cream I have that is a dense as you describe is a year-old mini sample jar of sandalwood - but it still shaves well.

maybe its old, I'm not sure.
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