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What's the general consensus of these two splashes? Scent aside, do these both perform pretty equally?
I think they are both fabulous performers. I'd say they perform about equally for me accept that I prefer the aftershave milk of D.R. Harris over the aftershave balms and gels of TOBS. The splashes perform about equally though.

I think they are both fabulous performers. I'd say they perform about equally for me accept that I prefer the aftershave milk of D.R. Harris over the aftershave balms and gels of TOBS. The splashes perform about equally though.


Is it safe to assume the 'milk' is somewhere between a balm and a splash? Agreed on the TOBS gel, I found it kinda weird.
I haven't tried TOBS aftershaves. I have three different DRH aftershave splashes - sandalwood, Marlborough and Pink - and they're all different performers. Pink is low in alcohol and mild. Marlborough is higher in alcohol with menthol; I find it leaves a fairly dry finish. Sandalwood is also high in alcohol, has no menthol, but has a higher concentration of conditioning ingredients, and is therefore more moisturizing than the Marlborough. Surprisingly, I also find it more conditioning than the Pink. The three are so functionally different from each other, it's hard to make a blanket recommendation for DRH aftershaves in general; one really has to try out various ones to see how they work. I find the sandalwood works perfectly for my skin. Combined with my single-favorite scent in an a/s, I rarely feel the need or desire to use anything else.

DRH a/s milk is an altogether different animal, and is more in line with a balm. However, my experience with it is limited to the older formulation. I've not tried the newer one.
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