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TOBS Avocado or Cella?

I have both and find Cella numbs my face. By the third pass all razor feedback is gone for me.

But I LOOOOOOOOVE TOBS Avocado!!! That would be my choice. :thumbup:
Okay, I went with the...avocado! I am not saying Cella lost, because I haven't tried it yet, but the TOBS avocado was superb. Thanks guys.:thumbup:
TOBS -- I am a big fan of the line; i have many of them; the avocado reacts with my skin and gives me little red bumps for a few hours. Unique, strong scent -- smells like a florist shop to me. good performer though.

Cella -- good performance, but the scent is meh -- a weak and unappealing almond scent.

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