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To Scuttle or not to Scuttle?

So it's been some time since I actually posted here at the B&B. Moved on to Android ROM development (Motorola Triumph & HTC Evo V 4G) and also lost the need and want to shave as religiously as I once used to. From daily shaver to now maybe once a week. However since my Dad has been getting excited about shaving more and more, it's made me get the itch. You know that itch that a Razor, Soap, Cream, or Brush doesn't fix. Need something more unique and different that a Scuttle might fulfill. So I hoped over to GP and am simply in awe of the black & red, and black & blue scuttles. The question I have for you all is the scuttle worth it? Does it hold the heat, does the cream or soap feel better?Will the G5 cover me or is the G20 the way to roll? Or is there a better brand? If anyone can point me in the right direction I sure would appreciate it. Man I need to shave I am as prickly as a cactus :scared:
I just posted about going back to the scuttle after face lathering for a long time.
The amount of water the scuttle holds is important. I have a G5 and a DB 1.5 and I can tell you that the G5 doesn't hold the heat nearly as well.
But.... the G5 whips up nicer lather faster in my opinion.

The warm lather is nice though and the scuttle is a very thoughtful gift.
My brother gave me my G5 as a gift and had them put a message on the bottom of it.
Not to mention it looks great on the shelf.
I had to shave without my Scuttle last night for the first time since getting it, and wow... don't know why I didn't get it sooner. Once you use it, and use it daily, its one of those items you cant replace. You will really appreciate it. Its the luxury of it, and I love mine. DB 1.5 from what I hear retains the most heat due to the volume of liquid it can hold. Hope that helps. I love mine


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DB 1.5 is an amazing scuttle....if I wasn't a face latherer, shower shaver, I'd be a scuttle shaver for sure!!
I find the scuttle very useful in winter. I could get used to it all year round. For bowl lathering, it makes shaving an even more enjoyable experience.
Thanks guys for all the posts. Those are some excellent looking scuttles! I am not sure yet which one to roll with, if I had access to a lathe I might even dare to take a shot at making my own even though it's been some years since I used to do all that.


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I've owned a few and found the DB1.5 to be the best and it remains as my bowl scuttle.

built like a tank, easy to pour and drain water. i found the stopper on the G5 to get in the way and be gimmicky and useless. the DB is hand thrown, whereas the Georgetowns are molded (at least my understanding of them).

the Georgetown are more polished looking, but the DirtyBirds are built better, thicker and hold water better and are more unique and customizable.

hands down, the DirtyBird is the best value as well as being the best performing scuttle I have ever tried or wanted to try. my vote is for the DB1.5 with webbed ridges, NO dribble port or lip.

I also have a SRD scuttle that i use as a brush scuttle. it's one piece design is fantastic and great for face lathering if i want to keep my brush warm and housed between passes.
I've owned just about all that are out there at one time or another

Any of them are better than a cold lather :001_smile
The question I have for you all is the scuttle worth it? Does it hold the heat, does the cream or soap feel better?

I had a RB scuttle, and found the warm lather nice, but was underwhelmed with the experience in general. IMO, no it's not worth it, either for counter top space used, or cost. I used it for about a month and sold it for a minimal discount, so it won't hurt to try it out. I did like the pottery lathering basin, and will probably be looking for a lathering mug or bowl with swirls in the bottom instead.
I have the original Moss Scuttle (small) and it is excellent. I face lather so the small is the ideal size to keep brush and lather warm. In keeping with the theme of he who dies with the most toys wins, I have a Georgetown G20 on order so I will have to learn to bowl lather as well. The Moss original is also available in a large size and they have the even larger Texas Scuttle on their web site. Warm lather is very decadent.

I got the G20. It has a much larger outer container than the G5. I have pretty hot water and if I fill the outer bowl and soap bowl prior to showering then dump the soap bowl after the shower, I have nice warm lather for a full shave. If you hot water is a bit cooler than mine, you could dump and refill the outer bowl after the shower.
For me a floppy brush works better. I also use to heat the water for the scuttle. In the winter the hot lather is wonderful.
I tried a DB. I have no complaints about the quality, but I eventually sold it on BST. Personally, the simplicity of face lathering out weighs the need for warm lather. I also found that the scuttle generally requires more product. I'm glad I tried it, but that was enough.
I haven't purchased anything in a long time that has brought me as much enjoyment as my Dirty Bird 1.5 scuttle. Warm lathery is a luxury I grant myself almost daily.
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