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TIME TO VOTE!! : B&B Photo Contest-February 2013

This month's theme is brought to y'all by, Bill.

I was thinking that for February, we could use "Iconography" as a theme. Pictures are about telling a story, and sometimes a single item in a photo is so related to a concept/memory/theme that it can tell the story on its own. Art has long focused on icons in this manner, and we have some tremendous artists.


Theme: Iconography
Rules: You must be the photographer
One entry per month
Try to make the image a recent one
Winner gets bragging rights and the pick of April's theme.
One is ineligible if they picked the theme for that month. However you are strongly encouraged to submit for fun.

Good luck all!
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ooh, I know what I'm doing this month...and its going to WIN! I've got to get up at about 5:00 to capture it in the right light. Hopefully I can manage that one day this month.
I'll take a crack at it:
Center for the Performing Arts - Kennedy Center Washington DC


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The Astronomical Clock in Prague, Czech Republic. Over 600 years old, it is the oldest working astronomical clock in the world. My first 2 choices were too large to upload here, unfortunately.

$astronomical clock.jpg
Websters defines iconography as:

: pictorial material relating to or illustrating a subject

: the traditional or conventional images or symbols associated with a subject and especially a religious or legendary subject

: the imagery or symbolism of a work of art, an artist, or a body of art

Most people tend to think of it in terms of religious symbolism like this


But my idea for this theme was actually driven by this image that I took at West Point because it is so symbolic of the military significance of my alma mater:



Wanting for wisdom
A light bulb signifying . . . invention
Some old books and a pair of glasses . . . knowledge
A map and a compass . . . exploration

Whoops I'm burning up some ideas I might want to try.
Ill give it a shot, this is Chichen-Itza. I wish the people were not in the shot but I still like it.

Funny story, I used my new camera for this but I forgot to put a memory card in it! Good thing I had a 8 gig in my phone. We got the camera the day before our cruise and somehow didn't get the card in it, I let the wife blame me for it.

Not sure how I got two pics in there, sorry...


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I happened to be on a golf course on the coast of Connemara, Ireland when Steve Fossett landed this Vickers Vimy in the fairway, completing a non-stop trans Atlantic flight, and recreating the first Atlantic crossing by Alcot and Brown 85 years previous.
So I took a picture.

This is a VanDyke print that I currently have in a local exhibit.


B&B membership has its percs
Here's my best recent one ..

My neighbor called, terrified that there were foxes in the back yard that would eat her little dog .. this is through the window, when I neared the door to get a better one they were off into the mist ..

Canon F1, 28mm sigma "macro" lens. Ilford HP5+. Printed 8X10 on Ilford MG RC paper, then scanned. I was forced to crop some of the image when enlarging to the 8X10 format from 35mm film. Enjoy!

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