Just started my investigation into Ouds with a small purchase of .02ml samples from Agar Aura. Taha was kind enough to surprise me with a third sample. Here are the flavors:
Borneo Symphony
Oud Kampuchea
I am wearing each of them for one day, one after the other and am posting my impression of their scent as they change through the day. This was inspired by yesterday's experience with the Borneo Symphony which I wrote about in another thread. Summarizing yesterday, it went as follows:
Borneo Symphony-less than half a drop distributed between both wrists and on the top of the chest.
Borneo Symphony
Oud Kampuchea
I am wearing each of them for one day, one after the other and am posting my impression of their scent as they change through the day. This was inspired by yesterday's experience with the Borneo Symphony which I wrote about in another thread. Summarizing yesterday, it went as follows:
Borneo Symphony-less than half a drop distributed between both wrists and on the top of the chest.
- Applied at about 5:30am and the overwhelming impression was of intense woodiness. Specifically deciduous not coniferous.
- About 6 hours into the Borneo Symphony and the scent is still persistent but can now pick up "greener" scents. It's not balsa/poplar, but close to that underneath the dominant hardwood.
- It's been about 13 hours since application and the scent finally is gone. One interesting note. At about the 10 hour mark, it seemed to shift into a very strong smoky wood charcoal scent. Imagine the scent coming from a burned lump of wood not totally consumed but blackened nearly through and through and that was the scent at the end. It might have been there earlier, but it went undetected by me. Reminded me of camp outs as a kid and keeping the fire burning in our old farmhouse fireplaces.
- Applied at 6 am and scent was incredibly "green" and reminded me of standing in a sawmill as fresh pine was being cut up from tree into boards.
- About 2 and a half hours later and it has subsided somewhat to more of a fresh sawdust aroma. Fresher and more piney than the Borneo.
- 4 hours later and there's something floral coming through and the sharp greenness/pine needle less obvious. Still quite sawdusty though, which I like.
- Interesting. The scent is much stronger where I put it on my undershirt than on my skin and as a result smells different. On the t-shirt, the green wood smell is the overwhelming note, but the wrist has just a touch of something like apple in it. Maybe not apple, but something fruitlike.
- 9 hours later. The scent is nearly gone on my skin, but still kickin' it old school on the cloth of the undershirt. It's devolved/evolved? into a clear straw smell. For those of you who have had horses, you'll know the difference between the smell of fresh straw vs old straw and this smells fresh. The difference between the smell of horse stall before and after it's been mucked out and filled with fresh bedding. This is the after.
- Final post on this oud. It's been 13 hours and scent is undetectable by me on the skin, but still quite present on the garment. The only change and it may be in my nose and not the oud is that I think there's a menthol aspect to it that wasn't there early. I'm not a fan of menthol in general, but this is mediated by the pine scent that was prevalent initially and that makes a difference.
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