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Very Woody Cologne for Neighbour


My brilliant neighbour is a keen gardener and outdoors man and he likes very woody colognes and aftershaves but not the Pine, Spruce, Atlas Redwood and Fir ones so...

I rustled him up a 30 ml bottle with undenatured 100% alcohol (£110 a litre) with 100 drops total of Atlas, Lebanese and rare Bermudian Cedar essential oils, 1 ml each of four different vintage 2-25 year old Qadeem Vietnamese and Cambodian Ouds, 30 drops of Japanese Hinoki oil, 30 drops of Juniper Leaf oil and 30 drops of Tuscan Cypress oil - so an extremely powerful cologne with the projection and sillage of weeks to months (I put two drops of an eight year old Quadeem Cambodian Oud on my coat in May and you can still smell it now in December and it is not a faint odour)

I said to my friend use sparingly because otherwise it will be very noticeable from 10-15 foot away if you're seated but if you move about the room it will dominate everything else - like Garlic Oil but a perfume wood.He will have to layer it with a strong cologne otherwise it will overwhelm the commercial one.

I'm a herbalist of 35+ years, not a perfumer and it is a big subject like languages and computers and I still have a lot to learn about scents and will only know a tiny bit before I die.
Have you ever created any fragrances based on Palo Santo oil?
I don't know how mass appealing it would be, but I enjoy it personally.
I've worn Palo Santo oil and Cremo Palo Santo edt (not at the same time, but that's a thought).
Wearing the oil especially, I noticed that I'd have very realistic dreams (nothing wild). :cuppa:
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Have you ever created and fragrances based on Palo Santo oil?
I don't know how mass appealing it would be, but I enjoy it personally.
I've worn Palo Santo oil and Cremo Palo Santo edt (not at the same time, but that's a thought).
Wearing the oil especially, I noticed that I'd have very realistic dreams (nothing wild).
Not used it since I went to my Uncle's in Calpi, Spain in 2015 - lovely oil - just ordered some - Thanks very much for reminding me Blain.
Palo Santo Holy Wood Essential Oil 10 ml
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