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this is not a Big Fellow

I was admiring the thread here about non-Gillette classics, when I acquired this Rowiro set -- that is not a Gillette and is certainly not a Big Fellow, although pretty similar. The case is wooden, but not with the same type of corner joints as the Big Fellow. Nonetheless, it is very well made and the razor itself is just as well made and classy as it's Gillette cousin.

The razor is called a "Maximus: (hmm..., sounds like a naming convention of sorts), and the blade is called a "meteor". Anyone have some dating ideas about this set? Preceding the Gillette look alike? That's my theory at least. And the handle and plating have held up quite well -- no splits, and the gold is pretty much still intact.





Great set -- excellent shaver. The Big Fellow is rare, the Maximus even rarer.
Sorry that I can't offer any information. I will say "Thank You" for sharing the pics of this fine piece of gear.
{Rowiro- Gesellschaft, Rompe and Co. berlin-Neukoln, Germany (D.R.G.M) ....They made the Maximus, Magnus, and Megas razors. Here's are patents info : nr 807703, nr 297064, nr 297065.
Nice razor -- it looks like it hasn't ever been used. It also looks to be of better quality than the 1905-1910 Gillette razors. However, it does take the older thicker blades (which is pictured with your razor) so with a modern blade I would expect it to be very mild. There is one source in Russia for the old three-hole thicker blades but unfortunately I forgot to bookmark their site and don't remember their name.
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