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They're HERE... They're HERE... Da Vinci Brushes!

Both of my Da Vinci brushes came in today.....

Rather than pile on a bunch of photos I made this slideshow

http://s1066.photobucket.com/albums/u414/turtle-web/brushes/Da Vinci/?albumview=slideshow

Can't wait for tomorrow's shave. I don't know which one I will pick to be first up.

They both look incredible.


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Wow!! I didnt know they came in that slimmer version. Very very nice looking brushes! Im excited for you jeez!
And the review?????? :w00t:

I got 3 brushes in today's mail. The two Da Vinci and a Simpsons Beaufort B4. I could not decide which of the Da Vinci brushes to use so in the end I just lathered up the new Simpsons and decided to think about which of the others to start with tomorrow.


Very nice brushes! I've been looking for the dimensions on them since you posted your first thread. Can u give some?

Enjoy em! They are SEXY!
I have to say, I hope you enjoy the DaVinci's, I suspect that they will be great, but I am not a fan of the aesthetics of them. I am curious to hear how the knots compare to Shavemac's D01's though, for sure.
Turtle, wasn't it you who had a collection of brushes but only 2 white/2 red brushes out for SWMBO?
If it was - do you need to paint one?
If it wasn't. Never mind...........
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