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They Don’t Understand

I have been DE shaving for almost a decade (for the same reasons as @chuckd) and I do not understand how shaving can be a hobby. This sounds to me like showering or nail cutting as a hobby. Same goes for all people to whom I have mentioned the concept.
That being said, I also see no need to. I am fine with 1 razor, 1 brush, whatever soap is currently available in the drug store and a pile of ammo. But if other folks feel happier by collecting, so be it.
I have friends & family that do understand, & others that don't understand my enjoyment of this hobby. But it doesn't bother me because I'm sure they have hobbies I don't understand, either.
I don't consider shaving and getting into shaving accoutrements a "hobby." I think of it more as expanding on the necessary. Every man needs to shave. At some point. But why do it with just one soap, one aftershave, one blade? So little effort goes into expanding the tool chest that it's weird to think there are guys who are maximalist about everything unimportant and minimalist about the most important thing in masculine grooming.
It comes down to ones priorities and how much weight they put in different things. I value a close, comfortable shave and the general health of my face far more than the few minutes I'd save using cartridge. Your friend, it would seem, does not. .

People say learn to love the little things. I'm this regard I've been successful in that something that used to be a chore is now something I very much look forward to. To say nothing of the therapeutic aspect wetshaving provides me. I hope I can do the same with other aspects of my life.

YMMV etc
My experience and thoughts exactly. Well stated!
I don't consider shaving and getting into shaving accoutrements a "hobby." I think of it more as expanding on the necessary. Every man needs to shave.

I think I both agree and disagree with you there. For me, wetshaving is definitely a hobby...as much as I'd like to, I can't really pass off owning three Chubby 2's in different hairs as expanding on a necessity! :lol:

That said, I do think there's something wonderful about using a hobby to expand on the necessary. And when you think about it, it's not even that strange a concept. After all, there are people who just drink a cup of coffee to wake up in the morning, and there are also people who spend $$$ on top quality beans, roasters, grinders, &c. To say nothing of stuff like cooking, clothing, writing, and so on...plenty of aspects of daily life have been hobby-fied by somebody.

I guess the difference is that most people who aren't shaving hobbyists don't see what could be made pleasurable or exciting about shaving. Like, hobbies like coffee or cooking or fashion most people could see what might be fun about them, even if they don't find them fun themselves. Shaving is a little unusual in that it's something most people think of as pure drudgery, and hearing that somebody does it for fun just doesn't compute at first.

I have been DE shaving for almost a decade (for the same reasons as @chuckd) and I do not understand how shaving can be a hobby. This sounds to me like showering or nail cutting as a hobby.

Showering or nail cutting as a hobby isn't actually that far fetched...wetshaving has gotten me to invest in a variety of other grooming stuff, including MWF hand soap and a Feather nail clipper.
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