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The weirdness of Arko

I used my Arko shave stick this morning. It did indeed smell like lemon disinfectant but I was okay with that since it did not smell like Spic n Span. Spic n span burns my nose something fierce. I watched the YouTube in which this dood rubbed the stick all over his face before using the brush. I tried that and could not get a decent lather. So I used the wet brush on the stick and got a good lather that way. It was different and I liked it but I think I will just use it when I travel.
Some times I lather the stick under running water. Another thing I do (that I like best) is grate the stick in a mug with a cheese grater and use it as I would use a soap puck.
When I use Arko I rub the stick on my face as well as on the brush. Always get a nice thick lather and a great shave with it.
Tried it for the first time today, and rubbed the stick on my face, and my first thought was, "this isn't gonna work." I added some more water, and the end result was an awesome lather. Wet face, wet stick, great lather.
I tried it for the second time today. I rubbed it on my face and lathered away. The scent is fine by me but both times my face breaks out in hives. The first time I just chalked it up to a fluke thing but it did it today as well. It lathers great and the price is right. Its a shame I can't use it.
I don't smell lemon disinfectant or Spic n Span or any of the other things people describe when I smell Arko. What I do smell is soap, in the best possible way. Soap the way soap is supposed to smell. Yes, it is strong. Yes, at first it will fill the bathroom, but it does fade over time.

I shredded mine with a cheese grater and molded it into a small dish. The dish did not have a cover, so it has just been sitting in my bathroom between uses. Unfortunately the smell has faded greatly. The next time I end up with a couple of sticks I will have found a container with a cover to help keep it sealed up.

It lathers great and I think would be great for travel. Hell, even if you traveled with a stick in a baggie and threw it away when you got home because the baggy was filled with slimy soap scum, it only cost you a dollar. Better yet, grate it into a small tupperware dish and take that on the road.

Good stuff.
I got an arko stock online a couple of weeks ago. The packaging was terrible and somewhere on it's way here it was kind of sliced in half within the packaging. So I was left with two halves.

I face lather with the one half and just make sure that when you are applying it always add a little more. My goatee is the thickest part of my beard and the most product gets stuck in there. Keep that in mind for when you lather cause those areas can get the explosion going.

The other half I just jammed into a small miso soup bowl. Didn't even need to grate it cause it was so malleable. So you could do that if the face lathering is t working for you.

I still can't put my finger on it but it reminds me of a soap from when I was a kid. My parents were old fashioned and made me sit with a bar of soap in my mouth when I was bad. Just can't remember what company...
I used Arko today...an amazing soap. Great, slick lather. Pleasant scent. And, to believe you get this for a couple of dollars.
Arko definitely has a scent that is more than just a clean soapy odor. Vintage pucks of Williams, Colgate, or even Palmolive, that have long lost their scent, once the soap has been "broken in" have an odor that is easily considered soapy. Arko's scent is definitely in the ballpark a disinfectant or bathroom cleaner. I don't think it's a lemon scent. I consider Razorock Caprician Lemon to have a lemon scent. (Even though at times the scent reminds me of a wet nap :whistling:)

Regardless or the scent, it lathers very well for its price. For the last week, I smashed a new stick into the bottom of an Old Spice mug, and I've been brush lathering it.
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