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The Thicket Club - Accepting Members

I am starting a new club, Gents. I think it is time to honor those that have thickets for a beard. That's right. It takes more of a swipe with the blade to get a BBS for us. So if you have coarse and thick facial hair, please join the club and strive for BBS, Gents.

I am going to call it "Gents with Thickets." Let me know what you Gents think.

I like the idea. While I get BBS (with effort), even immediately after my shave, my face has that Fred Flintstone permanent shadow look. Within 2 hours my BBS is gone.

On one hand I hate it, on the other, I have reason to shave everyday and play with the fruits of my ADs. :thumbup:


My elbows leak
Staff member
Just for reference, there was a study conducted (I'll try to find a link) where over 80 percent of men interviewed identified themselves as having facial hair that was "thicker / tougher" than the average man.
Do gents with thickets play cricket with wickets? If so, I'm in.

Like nearly everyone, my beard is coarser, thicker, and just plain badder than average. :001_tt2:
I'm in as well. I just can't seem to get BBS. I could do 6 passes and still look stubbly in jaw area. Cut throat soon, brah! I've already been reading how to hone and strop.
I'm in. My beard hair is thick, coarse and black. So even if I am BBS you can still see the follicles. Unless, I shave against the grain, which in turn causes bumps and ingrown hairs, I basically keep a shadow.
I'm in. I have thick wiry facial hair. Even a 4 or 5 pass super smooth shave still leaves me with a semi shadow look. By night the stubble makes the shadow even more obvious.
I'm in. I do get a BBS shave here and again. Wish it would last a little longer then it does.. but like our friend Demaskee said, I get to come home to play with my shaving toys and soaps.
I'm in there like swimwear!!!

I remember being a young Marine and getting my butt chewed before noon chow because I hadn't shaved when in all actuality I did shave that morning. My comeback comment was "some of us go through puberty earlier than others". Then I would get my butt chewed again.
When I have 2 days growth, the wife won't touch me. The kids don't want my "spikes" near them. If I rest my chin on my hand, it hurts my chin from the inside. Is that thicket worthy?

I'm in. Doubly so, since I'm also a head shaver. I have to do multiple ATG passes to get to BBS, and even when I do, I still have a shadow.
I've got thick, curly, dark facial hair. I end up shaving off skin before I get to BBS. I have always have the 'shadow', and 5 o clock shadow by 2 o clock.

My goal is just CCS/DFS with no irritation.

Count me in.
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