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The tales of a one eyed man.

Just as an alternative option, you can send it to Rudy Vey and have him drill it out and put an STF or Shavemac knot in it. He would be able to get it set properly to your preference. My Viking's blade brush has a knot that unscrews so please check that yours doesn't first.
Well would you look at that. As soon as I saw your post at 3:30 this morning I went and grabbed the brush. I screwed right off. But now I wonder if I can put a new knot in it. Did you re knot yours?


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Well would you look at that. As soon as I saw your post at 3:30 this morning I went and grabbed the brush. I screwed right off. But now I wonder if I can put a new knot in it. Did you re knot yours?
No and I knew that would be the next question. You would have to clamp the screw in base in a vice without crushing it and drill it out. I would see if Rudy can supply you one with a knot ready to screw in.
Friday the 12 of April.

Well the perma-sharps that I over paid for because I thought I was beating the system came today. To add insult to injury, they shipped them in the 20 pack sleeve. Seeing that just reminded me that I messed that one up. I really don’t think I could ever order from them again. Ahhh who am l kidding I’ll order from them again.

Today I have been tossing around the idea of buying a Blackland. I’m not sure yet, it’s not the money, and I know if I don’t like it I could sell it or trade it. I’m just not really sure if I like modern razor design. I have 2 Hensons and I am pretty sure I will be selling them, they just hang there never getting used. I have the Parker 111W I like that one, not because of the shave but I like the handle. The 2 modern razors that have that I like are my Gibbs replica and the Flexi. Maybe I just love adjustables? I have 2 slims, a Fatboy, adjustable Aristocrat and Super 84. Maybe an Osprey? Rex Ambassador? The Blackland Vector has peaked my interest some also the Sabre. But if I’m gonna go GEM style, why not go vintage Ever-Ready? And if I go adjustable, why not go vintage Gibbs? I guess the only modern that I can’t go vintage is the Vector? So I know what will happen and this is how my brain works, I won’t buy any of them and then when I finally decide, it will be out of stock, none for sale on the auction sites, or here!

Non shave news.

My youngest is in 8th grade, we received this email yesterday you will need to zoom in


I asked my daughter if they had that at the end of her 8th grade and she said no, but that was 12 years ago and Casey 10 years ago also said no. It’s so crazy to me that this has to be taught in schools now. But it’s a different world, and I guess it’s better for these kids to have the knowledge, but man it does suck.

Ok let’s end this on a good note here’s a picture of Rocky

No and I knew that would be the next question. You would have to clamp the screw in base in a vice without crushing it and drill it out. I would see if Rudy can supply you one with a knot ready to screw in.
That’s not a bad idea at all! I have a few brushes coming. I have a Chisel and Hound coming tomorrow, a Maggard on Monday, my wife bought me a bowl and matching brush from CaYuen, still not sure when that is arriving and I bought one from Rudy in the group buy. So in the next couple I will be adding 4 new brushes. Maybe I’ll shelve the Vikings Blade for now. Maybe down the road I can see if Rudy can make me a handle similar in shape and weight.


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
On the serious stuff: those things have happened ever since people existed if not earlier. It’s good it’s not being ignored/accepted/supported as much.

On the fun stuff: all your dogs are adorable and the Osprey is eye-candy. Their Blackbird is an intense, enjoyable razor, too.
It’s so crazy to me that this has to be taught in schools now
Yeah. My kids had lessons on social media with all the TikTok and sexting going on. Human trafficking occurs way less over here, but modern times are very different (and some have absolutely no remorse from their actions) so attention is necessary unfortunately.
why not go vintage Gibbs?
Be aware that vintage Gibbs do not take modern DE blades without modification - they have blade tab guides so you need to cut a DE blade with scissors to make it fit a Gibbs. Heritage Gibbs has solved that problem. I even have seen some that ground down their Gibbs with a Dremel.

I find this to be an incredibly sad commentary on where we have "devolved" to. The dating "update" for teens I can understand to a degree but the trafficking has me reflecting on how badly we suck as a species. From environmental destruction, endless and unnecessary wars to outfitting children with bulletproof backpacks for survival has me convinced that our progress is now firmly moving backwards. I'm such a downer today...I'll feel better after I shave.

@thombrogan ,@Guido75 ,@huck1680

It truly is amazing what is considered normal to teach kids these days. I was born in 72 and schooled through the 80’s. I went to a private catholic school from kindergarten through 8th grade due to where we lived in New Jersey private school was a better option than the public schools. It was so private my 8th grade class had 22 kids and that was one of the biggest classes the school ever had. After that we moved and I went to a public school and graduated in 1990 and not one time in all of those years of schooling did we ever have to be taught what is being taught now. Sure we had DARE and MAD and sex education in health class. Still scared from watching the woman give birth with 30 other kids lol.

I remember the big uproar when “The day after tomorrow “ movie came out and letters were sent home asking parents to not let us watch it. I remember growing up worried about Nuclear War and if the Giants would ever win a Superbowl in my life time and the Mets a World Series. They both did in the 86’ season, was a great sports year for fans. I never once worried that someone was going to take me or one of my friends. But as I got into my late teens you would hear the rumors about date rape and thinking back now, that’s probably something that should have been taught about long before now. Any way I’ll get off of my soap box now. I have a new brush to go clean. I’ll post pics later!
Sunday the 14th of March

Another Sunday in the books. Was a pretty eventful weekend. Got some things done around the house. Organized all of my razors, soaps, and frags. I now have room for way more! I have a few things in my cart over at Razor Emporium got a 15% off code so why not use it? Last night I bought the Zingari Man brush cleaner, Nobel Otter Neon and 200 Personna Comfort Coated. I have 200 Perma-sharps due to arrive tomorrow and I have 250 AccuForge in my cart. So that gives me 400 Perma-Sharp, 200 Perrsonna, and 310 AccuForge (I have 60 from a previous purchase) I also am getting some GEM blades cause I just won a sweet 1924 Every-Ready on the Bay.

On to todays shave.

Was a great shave, I am really liking all of the Catie’s Bubbles soaps that I have tried, 4 as of today. Used my new brush, man does it stink, but it whipped up a great lather. I also have another badger coming from Maggards tomorrow, hence the
brush cleaner. I think I’m finally starting to get the hang of lathering. I’m not gonna stress over it anymore. I’ve been getting great shaves, no nicks or weepers, little irritation, and it’s funny when I first started DE shaving the irritation was always on my neck, but now if I get it, it’s on cheeks. I need to check my angle and make sure to do what I’m doing on my neck. I’ve also stopped using a pre-shave, but might use a little on my cheeks next shave.

Non shaving news. Tried a new chicken taco recipe tonight. I learned it from Sam the Cooking Guy. Love watching his videos and I used to make a bunch of his stuff but since all my heart stuff started I have to watch what I eat. I am allowed to cheat every once in a while and since I’m from New Jersey I have pizza on cheat days. I have not had a steak in over a year, and I’ve only had a couple of hamburgers over the same time. I honestly don’t miss it, but what I do miss is a bid ol’ rack of smoked ribs, brisket, and corned beef. We ate corn beef and cabbage at least once a month, but there is so much salt in it, I really can’t take the chance of retaining water because of it.

Anyway that’s it for the day, I’ll leave you with a pic of my new brush, the Ever-ready and the day I brought Sookie home. When we rescued her she just gone done going through treatment for mange. The poor thing was shaved and her fur has never grown back properly. You should never shave a husky.



I shaved a fortune
Just as an alternative option, you can send it to Rudy Vey and have him drill it out and put an STF or Shavemac knot in it. He would be able to get it set properly to your preference. My Viking's blade brush has a knot that unscrews so please check that yours doesn't first.
Agreed... Rudy reknotted 3 brushes I had. I loved the handles but not the knots.... Rudy gave them a ShaveMac upgrade and I love them now.
Tuesday the 16th of April

Let’s get right to the shave today.

It was terrible and sad. Nicks, cuts, irritation, you name it I got. It was strange because I have used everything in today’s shave before. Well when cleaning up I noticed something weird as I tried to twist to open, the whole top assembly of my 72 super 84 was spinning and not opening. It was fine when I started the shave but the blade was already loaded from a previous shave so there was no need to open it. On the bright side I tried my hand at face lathering today with Catie’s Bubbles Pine Barren and my new C&H brush and it was a success! I am really liking the Catie’s Bubbles line of soaps so far.

Also got a new Maggards brush in the mail yesterday. I set the knot and just set it to the side. Today I washed it by lathering up some Sterling Baker Street and washing the bristles by running my fingers through the knot. Did that a few times until when squeezing out the lather there was no brown water.

@Phoenixkh, the Vikings blade is a strange brush. The knot un-screws from the handle with a threaded rod coming up from the base through the body. I think when the time comes I might just see if Rudy can make me a brush in the weight and design of the this handle.

Mail call for today was 200 Perma-Sharps from The Razor Blade Club’s eBay store. I’ll be buying more from them for 2 reasons, the prices are good and they are located in New Jersey!

Non shave news:
We were the proud owner of 120 Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. Yup 10 dozen. It was for my youngest son’s fundraiser for the school band. Family members from other states sent him money for the donations and we had to buy the doughnuts could not just donate the money. I wish we would took a picture but I am so used to this, we have now done this 6 times, oldest sons 3 years at the school and now youngest’s 3 years. We give all but 2 dozen to the local shelter.

Now for pictures. New brush, broken razor, and an arched mirror I cut yesterday that was installed today.

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