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The lkon thread

My guess would be that the Ikon Slants are dual plated, possibly with a copper base layer & it looks like the top coating, which is could be what attracts magnets, has gone wrong in some way.

For a razor costing this much, I would expect a far better finish. I hope that you get a positive response from Ikon, but historically, they don't appear to have exactly excelled at customer service.

What really puzzles me is that if the razor were truly stainless, why would you plate or coat it? It would be cheaper to just buff the raw parts to the desired shine, like Weber razor does, or leave it unfinished as Above The Tie razors are.
What really puzzles me is that if the razor were truly stainless, why would you plate or coat it?

I only have experience from the Feather AS-D1, Weber and Ikon baseplates. Both Feather and the Ikon parts are plated. The Ikon plating was not recognised by Dave at Restoredrazors.com (onotoman) when he did my system razor last spring.

About waiting for a reply from Ikon razors I would recommend everyone to not hold their breath.
What really puzzles me is that if the razor were truly stainless, why would you plate or coat it? It would be cheaper to just buff the raw parts to the desired shine, like Weber razor does, or leave it unfinished as Above The Tie razors are.

Raw stainless is quite susceptible to picking up scratches, plating protects the finish. The head of my Tradere is in mirror polished stainless & it does pick up micro scratches, no matter how careful I am when swapping blades etc. The flip side is that these micro scratches can be polished out using metal polish, as per the instructions on the Tradere site. Obviously, you shouldn't employ this method with a plated, or brushed stainless finish.
i have a damaged top plate here if i cant get it swapped out ill cut it in half and see whats inside cant promise though since i would rather get it replaced.

It would sure be interesting, but of course i hope that you are able to swap it out for a new one. Good luck with that!!!

Both Feather and the Ikon parts are plated.

This is strange to me - I didn't know this. Am I the only one who thinks it's a bit odd to describe a razor as 100% stainless and then plate it? I always thought one of the big draws of stainless razors was their durability and the ability to just go ahead and use them forever without worrying about the plating on "standard" razors.
This is strange to me - I didn't know this. Am I the only one who thinks it's a bit odd to describe a razor as 100% stainless and then plate it? I always thought one of the big draws of stainless razors was their durability and the ability to just go ahead and use them forever without worrying about the plating on "standard" razors.

This almost always seem to confuse people.

If you mindfully touch an uncoated Weber handle and a coated Feather handle the difference is obvious. This is what drove me to replate my system razor (the Ilmarinen) in the first place; the Feather coating isn't available on the market. The only way to make the Ilmarinen happen was to grind the Ikon parts and the Weber handle up to Feather standards and replate all parts.

The extremely 'silky' feeling to the hand of the Feather razor was what sold it to me in the first place. I only used vintage Gillettes at the time (2010) and sat on an airport waiting for my plane. One of the shops had a demo of this razor and the minute I touched the razor I knew it was meant for me. That kind of surface I think is not possible to have on an uncoated raw steel surface. The feeling of a quality instrument was overwhelming. The Japanese have this feeling of excellence built into their culture (or religion?) as do the Buddhists.

I do not know how Ikon has treated the surface of my base plates and by judging by the amount of work and rework Onotoman had to put into my parts he did not either at that time. I have read in his posts that he nowadays handles stainless effortlessly.

The big question is however that of what the top cap of the Ikon slant is made of. As I see it it could either be stainless steel with a coating that looks strange when it isn't applied properly or it could indeed be made of some other metal. Only Greg at Ikon knows this for now. We will get a hint of the answer to this riddle by Gregs response to the question asked in the mail.
Very interesting… thanks for that explanation. I didn't know this (obviously) - I am clearly new to stainless steel razors (again, obviously) :thumbup:.
So then, what is the advantage in durability of say, a feather stainless steel razor plated in whatever they use to a merkur or muhle razor plated in whatever they use? Is the true "advantage" to stainless steel razors only present in the ones that are uncoated (and therefore, as you say, less pleasing to use/hold)?

But back to the point at hand, yes - if there ever is an email response from Ikon about this top cap, it will be very interesting to hear. Perhaps if the OP doesn't hear back soon more of us should inquire to Ikon about it?
So then, what is the advantage in durability of say, a feather stainless steel razor plated in whatever they use to a merkur or muhle razor plated in whatever they use? Is the true "advantage" to stainless steel razors only present in the ones that are uncoated (and therefore, as you say, less pleasing to use/hold)?

But back to the point at hand, yes - if there ever is an email response from Ikon about this top cap, it will be very interesting to hear. Perhaps if the OP doesn't hear back soon more of us should inquire to Ikon about it?

You are talking to an old fogie who has lost two Merkurs because of Zamak rot (self destruction) and one Mühle because of the plating chipping since 1980!:laugh: I don't intend to derail the thread but I will say this:

A plated Feather or an unplated Pils will never, ever rot from the inside or chip from the outside.

If he feels like it my son can (with 100 % certainty) have the razor replated in his favorite metal 50 years after my passing, if it is scratched or just for fun. These razors are made the way they used to be made. This time in stainless steel instead of in brass.
there was someone else somewhere i saw who had the same issue with his when trying to polish it. ill see if i can find the pictures and where it was.
Hello all – Love the look of this razor – wondering if it still requires fine tuning before purchase?
Blade alignment issues?:confused1
I enjoy using the 37c and 39c more. They seem smoother and better designed.

Do you already have the 37c and 39c razors and are looking for more?
I have the iKon Slant and can recommend it.

The blade alignment is easily adjusted. I just screw the cap on loosely with the blade fitted, nudge the blade into correct alignment with the butt of my shaving brush and then tighten it down. It's no big deal once you've done it a time or two.
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Have tried the Ikon slant?

Just curious. I really enjoy my 37g :)

Yes, I have all 3 (37c, 39c, and ikon)

Hello all – Love the look of this razor – wondering if it still requires fine tuning before purchase?
Blade alignment issues?:confused1

What are you looking for in your next razor? If you're looking for a really efficient shaver but just don't know whether you're ready, I would say to go ahead and get the 37C and see if you like it. It is quite a bit less expensive than the Ikon and is a really efficient implement. If you don't like it you can easily get rid of it on the BS&T and not be out that much money. If you do like it then you can put the Ikon on your wish list and get another slant bar.

My view on razors is like my view on guns; you can't have too many!:biggrin1:
No word from Ikon yet. Either they didn't receive my message, they're busy or they're ignoring it. I'll try to send another. Unfortunately there is no business address or phone number listed on their website.

The thread and pics that Badger Bill posted are interesting. Thanks
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