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The first time results. Suggestions!

Well, I did it. Warmed the bowl, soaked the brush, took a shower, and then began.
Mamma Bear soap, Merkur 34 with blade that came with it. Lather was pretty good. Didn't quite resemble the lather in the you tube, but it seemed to work. Tried the recommended razor position. Heard the whiskers coming off, no pain. All downward short strokes. Finished. I could still feel the whisker stubble. Not close enough. Did a second pass. Used my own technique as with a 3 blader. Strokes up, down, sideways, etc. trying to use as little pressure as necessary. Got a MUCH better shave than with the three blader. I know I had a bunch of violations, but what the heck, I'm 72 years old and it is my face, right?

Men give me any suggestions. Thanks, Olefolks.
Welcome to B&B sir!

You might like to try a blade sampler pack, like one of these or like this one here.

If you've found something thats comfortable and gives a close shave though, then stick with it. As you say, its your face after all!

Welcome again, and enjoy your new ritual.

*I'm not affiliated with either vendor linked above. Except through B&B.*
I find that the blade that comes with the Merkur is not that good. Its a Merkur blade and I don't think their worth anything. Just remember that you have to find a blade that's right for you, and if that Merkur blade works then that's great. You have to find your own technique too. So go ahead and try things out, and good luck. Good to have you here. :biggrin: :tongue: :wink:
I agree with those above. If you're happy with your results, no need to change.
If you think you can do better, get a sampler blade pack from westcoastshaving.com.
BTW, the only rule is YMMV.
Thanks, men. I appreciate the welcome. I have already gone to West Coast and got a pack of Feathers, Gillette Sharp Edge and Personna reds. Read where merkur blades are not very much appreciated. At this point, I really don't know good from bad.

Thanks again for the welcome. Its really nice to be here.
You're 72 and it sounds like this was your first DE shave. What did you use when you started shaving? I am 66 and the only blade options when I started was straight, injector single blade - Schick - or DE.

If you started with a DE (as I did), I would be very interested to know why you switched from DE to something else, as I have been asking myself this question lately.
You know, I can't remember what I started with. I do remember when I joined the Air Force, when I was eighteen, I took an electric razor to basic training so I wouldn't have to dry shave, LOL. I also remember the schick. I have been using the Gillettes for a very long time.
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