Hi Guys,
Just wanted to start a thread for those who are Australians on B&B. So if we wanted the inside scoop on the local scene, or share some gear, swap some stuff etc. we would have a place to meet, greet and chat!
If there is already something like that on here than just tell me I'm dreamin'
To kick it off I've been in the scene only for a short time, really enjoying my shaving. Unfortunately this has also meant parting with some hard earn!
So if you have any questions regarding my experiences. I can comment on some vendors I have dealt with e.g. MensBiz or further abroad with Simpson shaving brushes and Connaught shaving, Georgetown Pottery etc.
I am happy to.
In addition to soaps, creams and brushes!
Currently my rotation has just expanded thanks to a lovely other Aussie member who gave me a great deal on his surplus which I am greatly enjoying!
Just wanted to start a thread for those who are Australians on B&B. So if we wanted the inside scoop on the local scene, or share some gear, swap some stuff etc. we would have a place to meet, greet and chat!
If there is already something like that on here than just tell me I'm dreamin'
To kick it off I've been in the scene only for a short time, really enjoying my shaving. Unfortunately this has also meant parting with some hard earn!
So if you have any questions regarding my experiences. I can comment on some vendors I have dealt with e.g. MensBiz or further abroad with Simpson shaving brushes and Connaught shaving, Georgetown Pottery etc.
I am happy to.
In addition to soaps, creams and brushes!
Currently my rotation has just expanded thanks to a lovely other Aussie member who gave me a great deal on his surplus which I am greatly enjoying!