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The Association of Yates Owners - AYO

Thank you so much for this great information!
It has been a long time since I tried Ogallala. I have never tried with the Yates 921 razors.
Generally, do you face lather or bowl lather these soaps?
What type of brush do you tend to use with these soaps (synthetic, badger, boar, horse, etc.)?
I am a bowl lather'er. Boy, that's an entirely different rabbit hole...
I am a boar guy. I occasionally dabble in horse hair. A few times a year I use a Manchurian badger and a silvertip, but I'm just not a fan. I did go through a synth phase a number of years ago; I'm glad that's over. There is just nothing like a properly broken in boar brush IMHO.
Do you find you get a closer face shave with the EH plate than the H plate? I just recently got the Yates H scalloped and have about a dozen shaves under my belt with it. I love how this razor feels, it's a perfect weight for me, and is just so smooth, much smoother than my Henson medium. That said, the Henson gives me a slightly closer shave. Wondering if things might improve with an EH plate as might be suggested by your comment. Or perhaps I need to keep working on my technique. The angle seems to be steep, judging from the audible feedback I get.
I'm not sure how much closer I get with the EH vs. the H, but the shave last longer with the EH. A while back I tried to quantify the difference in comparison with Lupo .95 vs 1.27. There's a whole thread about about it. I will say that on days when I work and need a good quick shave I use an EH plate. On the days when I take my time, shave with several passes, and want a nice close shave, I reach for the H.
The steep angle is what hooked my on the Yates. I find it easier to use on both my face and head.

Second shave with the Feather. Some of the same issues as last shave with having to do multiple touch ups, but more tuggy and more spots, I just don't think it works for me.
I am a bowl lather'er. Boy, that's an entirely different rabbit hole...
I am a boar guy. I occasionally dabble in horse hair. A few times a year I use a Manchurian badger and a silvertip, but I'm just not a fan. I did go through a synth phase a number of years ago; I'm glad that's over. There is just nothing like a properly broken in boar brush IMHO.
I find myself bowl lathering or puck lathering more these days. I used to face lather but not so much anymore.
I am currently enjoying some of the knots from Maggard Razors.

I had a great shave yesterday with the Ti H SB plate with 3.5 day's growth.

Prep: Warm shower: Stirling Sheep bar soap
Brush: Maggard Razors 24mm premium boar knot with Maggard Razors sky blue 25mm handle
Lather: Van Der Hagen Select Shave Soap
Load Bowl: Old Spice Mug
Lather Bowl: Old Spice Mug

Razor: Yates Ti 921
Top cap: Ti
Base Plate: Ti H SB
Handle: Timeless Razors Ti Crown TRH8 handle (using 3 nylon washers as spacers)
Blade: Nacet (D2)
I will add my 2 cents about the wait time for the Yates 921. I ordered a Yates BYO with M & H plates in stainless with a titanium handle and also a titanium Blackbird about the same time. The wait time turned out to be about the same. I think my timing, the end of February, was the problem. Both had just launched a new line and I'm sure that caused a slowdown. Yates with the Winning and Blackland with the Osprey Ti. Both the Blackbird and the Yates, along with my Timeless, are my favorite modern razors.
Groucho 2.jpg
Goes to show how YMMV wetshaving is. I used a Feather in my Merica today and it was the smoothest shave I've gotten so far with it. I hear that Feather's do not last long so we will see if I continue to use them.
Gonna have to eat my words on this. Tried the Feather blade for 4 shaves and while it was always smooth, it felt like my face was shredded after every time. Gonna have to go back to my old reliable Silver Blues
I figured I'd ask here before sending an email. Anyone know when Yates will be getting the titanium shipment? The notes have been listed "Waiting for Ti to arrive" for weeks now.
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